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Medea Benjamin

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Medea Benjamin is the cofounder of Global Exchange and CODEPINK: Women for Peace and author of Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the US-Saudi Connection. 


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Biden Accidentally Introduces Ukraine's Zelensky as 'President Putin' | WSJ News President Biden accidentally introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky by calling him .President Putin. during a NATO ..., From YouTubeVideos
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, July 11, 2024
Similar to Biden, NATO Is Aged and Unfit for Leadership As NATO wrapped up its Summit and Biden held a crucial press conference, the media frenzy continued to focus on Biden's age and cognitive abilities. The media frenzy continued to focus on Biden's age and cognitive abilities. Lost in the media coverage about the Summit, however, has been a serious discussion of NATO's advanced age and NATO's ability to lead the "free world."
Munich Security Conference, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 28, 2022
The Growing Chorus For Peace In Ukraine This is an extremely dangerous moment in history. Americans are waking up to the reality that this war threatens us with the existential danger of nuclear war - a danger most Americans thought we had survived once and for all at the end of the First Cold War.
Joe Biden - Caricature, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Biden's Broken Promise to Avoid War with Russia May Kill Us All It is widely acknowledged that U.S. and NATO officers are now fully involved in Ukraine's operational war planning aided by a broad range of U.S. intelligence gathering and analysis to exploit Russia's military vulnerabilities.
The Ruskie with the Geiger Gun, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Peace talks essential as war rages on in Ukraine The only realistic alternative to this endless slaughter is a return to peace talks to bring the fighting to an end, find reasonable political solutions to Ukraine's political divisions and seek a peaceful framework for the underlying geopolitical competition between the United States, Russia, and China.
One of biggest-ever NATO exercises begins in the Baltics, From FlickrPhotos
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, June 28, 2022
NATO and a War Foretold This was indeed a war foretold. Thirty years of warnings and predictions turned out to be all too accurate.
Miami - Little Havana: Maximo Gomez Park - Summit of the Americas Mural, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Biden - The Summit of The Americas The Biden administration announced new measures to "increase support for the Cuban people." They included easing travel restrictions and helping Cuban Americans support and connect with their families.
Bombed homes in Mosul, From Uploaded
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, April 12, 2022
From Mosul to Raqqa to Mariupol, Killing Civilians is a Crime Americans have been shocked by the death and destruction of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, filling our screens with bombed buildings and dead bodies lying in the street. But the United States and its allies have waged war in country after country for decades, carving swathes of destruction through cities, towns and villages on a far greater scale than has so far disfigured Ukraine.
Fund-Raising for the Victory of Ukraine - Azov Battalion Exhibit - Kharkiv (Kharkov) - Ukraine, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(12 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, March 9, 2022
There Is No Wisdom in Pretending That Ukraine's Neo-Nazis Don't Exist Neo-Nazis also dominated the Azov Battalion which was founded by Andriy Biletsky an avowed white supremacist who claimed that Ukraine's national purpose was to rid the country of Jews and other inferior races.
From Uploaded
(51 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, February 17, 2022
What Is Going to Happen in Ukraine? Every day brings new noise and fury in the crisis over Ukraine, mostly from Washington. But what is really likely to happen? There are three possible scenarios:
Congress in session, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Memo to Congress - Diplomacy for Ukraine is spelled M-I-N-S-K The Minsk II agreement was unanimously approved by the U.N. Security Council in Resolution 2202 on February 17, 2015. The United States voted in favor of the resolution and 57 Americans are currently serving as Ceasefire Monitors with the OSCE in Ukraine.
Glory to Ukraine!, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, January 31, 2022
America Is Reaping What It Sowed in Ukraine The United States and Russia both claim their escalations are defensive responding to threats and escalations by the other side.
130727-N-JN664-074, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Biden has largely doubled down on Trump's most dangerous and destabilizing foreign policies. President Biden and the Democrats were highly critical of President Trump's foreign policy, so it was reasonable to expect that Biden would quickly remedy its worst impacts. Tragically for America and the world, Biden has failed to restore Obama's progressive initiatives, and has instead doubled down on many of Trump's most dangerous and destabilizing policies.
I VOTED!, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Yes, There Were 10 Good Things About 2021 It was, indeed, a disastrous year but we do have some reasons to cheer.
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, December 9, 2021
Ten Contradictions That Plague Biden's Democracy Summit President Biden's virtual Summit for Democracyon December 9-10 is part of a campaign to restore the United States' standing in the world, which took such a beating under President Trump's erratic foreign policies. The greater possible value of this gathering of 111 countries is that it could instead serve as an "intervention," or an opportunity for people and governments around the world to express their concerns
shock and awe 11, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, December 9, 2021
10 Contradictions That Plague Biden's Democracy Summit It's as good an occasion as any to assess the undemocratic nature by which the U.S. carries itself both at home and abroad.
Americon Precendent - D. Eisenhower, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, December 6, 2021
How Congress Loots the Treasury for the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex America's failed wars have not led Congress or successive administrations to seriously rethink the U.S. decision to rely on illegal threats and uses of military force to project U.S. power all over the world.
Greta Thunberg leads protests in Italy ahead of COP26, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, November 4, 2021
COP 26: Can a Singing, Dancing Rebellion Save the World? The greatest obstacle to action that we face is our dysfunctional, neoliberal political and economic system and its control by plutocratic and corporate interests, who are determined to keep profiting from fossil fuels even at the cost of destroying the Earth's uniquely livable climate.
James de la Vega Occupy Wall Street 2011 Shankbone, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, October 24, 2021
Our Future vs. Neoliberalism the results of Reagan and Thatcher's neoliberal counter-revolution have led us into a crisis in which finding alternatives to neoliberalism has become a matter of survival for humanity.
Afghan women voice concerns to coalition, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, October 16, 2021
Despite Taliban Rule, Feminists Must Not Abandon Afghan Women While we should all be outraged about the abuses and deterioration of rights that Afghan women are experiencing, the Taliban aren't the only cause of women's distress right now. The economy and public services are screeching to a halt.
George Bush-Mission Accomplished_a, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, October 7, 2021
Congress Fights Over Money for Child Care but never questions Billions For War Most Americans support cuts in military spending to pay for social programs but somehow that's never on the table.

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