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One of the more than 50 millions Americans living in poverty or near poverty


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(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, September 4, 2009
Saying Good-bye to the Economic Merry-Go-Round America's economy has turned into an out-of-control merry-go-round that's spinning millions off into poverty, homelessness and hopelessness. This author has found himself thrown off that merry-go-round, but is ready to dust himself off and try a new kind of life.
(11 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, August 25, 2009
A Letter to the Poor The politicians have spent all the money on wars and bankers, leaving 50 million poor people--soon to be 60 million--without any hope of government help. Those of us who are poor are faced with a choice: give up and waste away or band together to help make our lives better in our own communities. It's time we're turned this society's YOYO (You're On Your Own) into a WOOO (We're On Our On).

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