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Alan Scharf

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Alan Scharf, through his own firm, A.B.Scharf and Company Ltd., provides strategic, operational, organizational and financial consulting services to a wide variety of businesses. The firm's specialty is corporate restructurings, financial engineering, turnarounds, and workouts of troubled businesses, including real estate. He has been personally responsible for the development, asset management, analysis and/or workouts of portfolios of assets, including non performing loans, in excess of $6 billion. Clients have included several New York Stock Exchange firms, institutions and privately held entities. Formerly with a major international accounting firm, Alan is a Florida licensed Certified Public Accountant, Real Estate Broker and Mortgage Broker. Alan graduated Cum Laude with both a Bachelor of Science in Economics in 1972 and a Master of Science in Accounting in 1973 from the Wharton School of Business of the University of Pennsylvania. He financed his college education by performing as a disc jockey, both on radio and in private appearances. In the healthcare arena, Mr. Scharf has been interviewed by Clear Channel radio, the Washington Post and on national television. He has also written words and music and co-produced a radio commercial, and is the author of an, as yet, unpublished comic strip.

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SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Rx Plan for Healthcare Reform---An Alternative Solution A solution to healthcare with no federal, insurance or employer directives. We manage our own healthcare and immediately reduce costs 25-40%, not to mention systemic changes that bend the cost surve downward over time.

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