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Kevin Powell

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Kevin Powell is a writer, activist, and author of 10 books, including his latest, Open Letters to America. Reach him at contact@kevinpowell.net

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(9 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, February 6, 2011
The Super Bowl and Violence Against Females Real men don't hit beat berate sexually assault rape or seek to humiliate women either.Conceivably this is why,with regards to Big Ben,I have gotten a number of tweets and emails from women saying there is no way they will root for the Pittsburgh Steelers on Sunday, because they feel Roethlisberger was given a slap on the wrist and is once again enjoying the fruits of being a man with privilege in our still very sexist society
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 2, 2010
Why is Congressman Ed Towns Suing Opponent Kevin Powell? We've been running a clean, responsible, and transparent campaign the entire way; we've picked up waves of support across Brooklyn, and beyond, and we know that the people of our borough, and of nation, want a new direction, and fresh voices, for these times. No matter what Mr. Towns and his team do or say, they simply cannot stop the changing of the guard that is now here and ready in America. It is our time.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 2, 2009
Chicago, Obama, the Olympics, and the murder of Derrion Albert Chicago does not deserve the 2016 Summer Olympic Games.What the people of Chicago deserve is a domestic Marshall Plan-an action agenda that will,once and for all,deal with failing schools,terrible housing conditions, limited job,career,and business opportunities,and a culture of violence,mayhem,and hopelessness that led to the very recent beating death of a teen named Derrion Albert, at the hands of other teenagers,no less.

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