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Paul Curto

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Designed first all-solar home for Ryland Homes in 1974. At MITRE, led a group of 35 of the best minds in the world (including Dr. Edward Teller, among others) who performed detailed engineering, scientific, socio-economic, and political analyses of all alternative energy choices for ERDA/DOE, NSF, and MITRE in 1975-80, and designed solar power plants at Gibbs & Hill in '80-'83. These included closed cycle gas turbines driven by a power tower, solar cogeneration 100MWe plant to power the Hidalgo, NM Phelps Dodge copper smelter using the Outokumpu Oy oxygen flash smelting process, the Ridgecrest Project with the Consortium of Alternate Energies, a seven-field power tower complex with 560 MWe peak power output with 100 hours of thermal storage for a 100 MWe base load system (China Lake/Ridgecrest, CA), and a 400 million gallon per year solar-powered ethanol plant. Known as world leader in alternative energy until the collapse of the field over the Reagan years. Worked as a utility consultant for 8 years, and later at NASA for 16 years as a scientist and engineer, as Chief Technologist, reviewing all of NASA's R&D in every field of endeavor for the NASA Inventions and Contributions Board and the NASA Administrator. 20 invention disclosures, 5 patents, 87 scientific and technical peer-reviewed papers, 51 years in the profession, and successfully completed 15 projects on time, on budget, and meeting or exceeding specifications. Listed in Who's Who In America and Who's Who In The World for the past several years and again in 2017.


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James Billington, 09-2013, 13th Librarian of Congress, From ImagesAttr
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, June 12, 2015
Reagan Appointee Decides to Retire at 86, The Librarian of Congress James Billington has decided that the time has come to hang up his spurs as The Librarian of Congress. An article in today's Washington Post takes aim at the reasons he waited so long to leave his post.
From ImagesAttr
(29 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, August 24, 2012
The Link Between Global Warming and Mega-Quakes - Reprise We have established the link between global warming and devastating earthquakes that have ravaged the earth over the past eight years.
(15 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The Link Between Climate Change and Geological Disruption: Can Global Warming Be A Cause of Earthquakes? Over the past few years there have been a growing number of mega-scale earthquake disasters, especially in Chile and Japan. Yesterday, the most powerful quake since 1897 struck in normally placid Virginia, shaking Washington, DC in the middle of a busy workday. The damage in the DC area was miniscule,only about $100 million, though sobering to many who witnessed it. There may be a scientific linkage to global warming.
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, December 15, 2010
American Energy Policy V -- Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is by far the most balanced means to face the challenge of global warming. It is also the one that requires the greatest investment to meet its potential. It is a most intriguing answer that can save us from Armageddon.
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, December 13, 2010
American Energy Policy IV: The Price of Transition Just a suggestion: Make carbon users pay for the cost of the fuel at the so. Pay the citizens for the rape of the land. Clean up the water supplies. Replace the mountain tops. Clean up the Gulf. Tax the fuel at its source. Tax the fuel imports that take away our jobs. Tax the pipelines and rights-of-way. Tax the nuclear industry instead of subsidizing their fuel cycle. Tax the CEOs who pay themselves 300 times that of workers.
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, December 9, 2010
American Energy Policy IV: The Price of Transition Just a suggestion: Make carbon users pay for the cost of the fuel at the so. Pay the citizens for the rape of the land. Clean up the water supplies. Replace the mountain tops. Clean up the Gulf. Tax the fuel at its source. Tax the fuel imports that take away our jobs. Tax the pipelines and rights-of-way. Tax the nuclear industry instead of subsidizing their fuel cycle. Tax the CEOs who pay themselves 300 times that of workers.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, December 7, 2010
American Energy Policy III -- Wind Power Maryland enjoyed its first-ever public meeting on offshore wind energy on December 4, 2010. The date will live in the annals of Maryland history for its unique statement of people coming together from all viewpoints in a common purpose: They want their children to have a future. Optimism and enthusiasm ruled the crowd. The state leaders were leading and the people were united in support. What a happy day!
(13 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, July 31, 2010
Middle Class Ordeal I could spend paragraphs explaining to you how my wife and I suffered through this event, our meals, our troubles with no communications, burned-out batteries, no cell phones, no TV, no cable, no internet, tropically heated bedrooms, sealing the home against breakins, shaving in the dark, lack of cooked food, reading by candlelight, and other minor inconveniences. It's over now. I don't want to remember the pain.
(16 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, July 17, 2010
American Energy Policy Part II -- Ammonia This is the second article on American Energy Policy. The focus is on the hydrogen economy and Ammonia in particular. It is a real eye opener for those who are not aware of its potential to replace petroleum in all its key facets.
(9 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, July 14, 2010
American Energy Policy This is the first of several articles I will write on US Energy Policy and getting it back on track towards a sustainable future. The series will discuss all forms of power generation, fuels, and conservation techniques. Policy must also account for sociology, politics, economics, and factors of geography. The purpose of the article is to generate a debate on what's right.
(24 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, June 26, 2010
Post-BP Gulf What will happen if BP goes under? Questions about the future of America are posed.
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, November 13, 2009
A Little Bit Of History: In The Days Of Cholera One of our discussions PickensPlan.com, "How much time to prepare before economic collapse?" led to this string of posts that I consolidated into a single article on the issues raised. These were posted just before the 2008 election. One year later, it is a fascinating time capsule given the events that have taken place in that time.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sellout On The Great Lakes EPA is being conned to allow heavy ships to burn heavy crude without controls. There are great forces at work on the Great Lakes to save jobs today at the expense of the environment and deal a crushing blow to the green jobs industries nascent in the Midwest.

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