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Patricia A. Smith is a writer and artist (and sometimes both at the same time). A former columnist, restaurant critic and cruise line executive, Smith has lived in London, Greece, Denmark, Hungary, Egypt, Costa Rica and France. She returned permanently to the United States from Paris in 2001.
When not busy writing (she maintains a daily blog at thewhole9.com and writes for OpenSalon.com), Smith can be found working on her book proposal, painting, solving world hunger, stupidity and the national debt, dissecting the human heart and relationships or searching for the next great chef, destination or restaurant (not necessarily in that order). In her free time, she works on her memoir and book proposal while being extra careful not to fold, spindle or mutilate her incoming e-mail. Smith attended the University of South Florida and Richmond College in London where she studied communications, night clubbing and Harrod's Department Store (not necessarily in that order either). No stranger to controversy, Smith's art work (and some of her restaurant reviews) have earned her the dubious distinction of being persona non grata at certain establishments that shall remain nameless. Not one to pass up a challenge, when not envisioning herself taking long walks on a moonlit beach with someone who resembles George Clooney (in that he has is an actual man with a mind and mouth that both function properly) Smith enjoys the idea of taking over the internet even though her name yields something like 8 million matches when searched and one of them (a 2008 National Book Award finalist) happens to be her friend. Smith is seriously considering changing her last name to increase her chances of being discovered as someone worth reading and getting to know. And perhaps one day being a finalist for a National Book Award as well.
(6 comments) SHARE Sunday, October 3, 2010 Suicide in Virtual Reality Hell
How civil discourse, social media and hate crimes collided on the Internet and drove one young man to suicide.
(18 comments) SHARE Friday, September 10, 2010 What About the Day BEFORE 9/11?
With all the talk about 9/11, we often forget that there was life the day before. This article examines the "before" and "after" of horrific events.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 24, 2010 You Are How You Eat
In which I discuss the lost art of table manners.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, January 18, 2010 Life Changes Just Like That
Understanding how devastation can change your life from one minute to the next.