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John DeFelice

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I live a quiet life in Maine, teaching for the past decade or so within the University System. I was at one time a Republican and a Pentecostal, but I grew up! My passion? Maintaining the separation of church and state to save America from the bloodshed theocracy will inevitably bring. Having been inside the movement that wants to take over America, albeit in a very minor role, I recognize the amibtion, arrogance and ignorance of the new Neocon Gospel. God save the church from the Christians!

OpEd News Member for 784 week(s) and 5 day(s)

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(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, January 23, 2010
RINOs, DINOs and WINOs. Oh My! The super majority is a myth and always has been a myth. Unless this absurd tactic is done away with, progressives will always lose even when they win!
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Achilles Heel of "Being Gay is Not a Choice." For a number of years the religious right has maintained the dogma that being gay is a choice. Now under a withering attack from the psychological professionals as well as the media it appears that this dogma will not survive much longer. But before you rejoice, a more destructive theology is waiting in the wings. Its potential for violence and even deeper bigotry is staggering.

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