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Edward C. Corrigan holds a B.A. in History and a Master’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Western Ontario. Ed also has a Law Degree from the University of Windsor and was called to the Bar of the Law Society of Upper Canada in 1992. He is recognized as one of the top Immigration and refugee lawyers in Canada. On the June 29th, 2004 the Law Society of Upper Canada certified Ed Corrigan as a specialist in Citizenship and Immigration law and Immigration and Refugee Protection. He also served as the Associate Editor for Immigration Law Reporter (2007-2011) and as the Associate Editor of ImmQuest (2007-2011). Ed has published numerous articles on Immigration and Refugee law in professional legal publications. His academic area of expertise is the Middle East and he has published many articles in academic publications including Middle East Policy, Middle East International, Outlook and Z Magazine. His article "Is it anti-Semitic to Defend Palestinian Human Rights?" was published as a chapter in, Anti-Semitism: Real and Imagined: Responses to the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism," (The Canadian Charger, Waterloo, Ontario, 2010), pp.83-99. Ed also has published articles in the Montreal Gazette, the Hamilton Spectator, the London Free Press and electronic publications such as The Canadian Charger, Dissident Voice, Rabble.ca and in numerous other publications. Between 2000-2003 he served as a Councillor on the City of London, Ontario, Canada municipal City Council.
Examines the comparison between Israel and Apartheid South Africa. Quotes South Africans and Israelis on the subject.
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, February 14, 2010 Harper's attack on democracy and the Arab and Muslim community
Recent actions by Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Canadian government, which target the Arab and Muslim community and their supporters, targets an entire ethnic and religious community.
Reminiscent of attacks made during previous waves of intolerance.
(8 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 12, 2010 Is It Anti-Semitic to Defend Palestinian Human Rights?
Is it anti-Semitic to Defend Palestinian Human Rights? Article focuses on the attempt to sliience criticism of Israel's policies toward the Palestinians and of Zionism as anti-Semitic. Special focus on the Jewish critics perspective.