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Richard Hayes Phillips

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Richard Hayes Phillips has been an observer of election statistics for 46 years. He has a doctorate in geomorphology from the University of Oregon, also holds degrees in politics, geography and history, and is a former college professor. When not engaged in political investigations, he makes his living as an acoustic musician and a trail maintenance worker. He is a resident of St. Lawrence County, New York.

OpEd News Member for 949 week(s) and 2 day(s)

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(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, November 23, 2008
How Obama Built His Historic Victory: The Numbers Tell The Story The election of a black President was truly historic.Obama's margin of victory was as substantial as those of Clinton,accomplished by turning 9 (or perhaps 10)"red states" into "blue states,"despite a lower than usual increase in voter turnout nationwide.Analysis of the election results shows that Obama made huge gains in urban counties,and often in rural counties as well.This political realignment has put the Republicans on
(11 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, July 27, 2008
In Defense of Lever Voting Machines I generally make it a point not to publicly criticize election integrity advocates. But these rants against lever voting machines are just plain wrong. I have voted on lever machines in New York State since 1972. I know what they look like; I know how they operate. The misstatements play into the hands of a federal government that has sued New York State to force us to replace our beloved lever machines with computers.
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, June 9, 2008
What Constitutes an Election Audit Author of Witness to a Crime, proof of the stolen 2004 election in Ohio, and thus, the nation, explains how to audit an election, whether you are doing just a few precincts, or hundreds, as he did. Become a citizen watchdog for 2008; don't assume anyone else is doing this job! Most of our elections are NOT audited, by any official, or by anyone!
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, May 6, 2008
"Witness to a Crime" Available Online Richard Hayes Phillips has been the leading investigator of the fraudulent 2004 presidential election in Ohio. His work was relied upon by John Conyers in challenging the Ohio electors in Congress, by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in his article for Rolling Stone magazine, and by Algenon L. Marbley in issuing his federal court order protecting the ballots from destruction.
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, February 26, 2008
"Witness to a Crime": Irrefutable evidence of election fraud in Ohio My book is based primarily upon forensic evidence--126,000 ballots,127 poll books,141 voter signature books.My work has been relied upon by John Conyers in challenging the OH electors,by Robert F.Kennedy,Jr.in his article for Rolling Stone magazine,and by Judge Marbley in his order to protect the ballots from destruction.My recently completed book on the fraudulent 2004 presidential election in OH will be available in March.
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, January 2, 2007
UNOFFICIAL RESULTS IN SEVENTEEN OHIO COUNTIES CANNOT BE RIGHT This raises the disturbing possibility that some 227,000 votes were lost by touch screen voting machines in Ohio. Surely this merits a full-scale investigation. Whether or not this "affected the outcome," a phrase generally intended to mean who won and who lost the election, is beside the point. If 227,000 votes were not counted, the outcome was affected.

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