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Bill Fletcher, Jr., is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the International Labor Rights Forum, Executive Editor of The Black Commentator and founder of the Center for Labor Renewal. A longtime labor, racial justice and international activist, he is the immediate past president of TransAfrica Forum, a national non-profit organization organizing, educating and advocating for policies in favor of the peoples of Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America. Fletcher is also a founder of the Black Radical Congress and is a Senior Scholar for the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC.
Fletcher is the co-author (with Fernando Gapasin) of Solidarity Divided, The Crisis in Organized Labor and A New Path Toward Social Justice (University of California Press). He was formerly the Vice President for International Trade Union Development Programs for the George Meany Center of the AFL-CIO. Prior the George Meany Center, Fletcher served as Education Director and later Assistant to the President of the AFL-CIO.
SHARE Thursday, November 10, 2016 Quick reflections on the November 2016 elections
let us lick our wounds and reflect on the future. This election result was one that more of us should have anticipated as a real possibility. In either case, that the results were so close and that we did not have the ideal candidate to represent the new majority emerging in the USA remains for me a source of immense hope. The struggle certainly continues.
SHARE Tuesday, June 25, 2013 Responding To Supreme Court's Affirmative Action Decision
Affirmative action has been under attack since the 1970s. And since then, the objective of the political Right has been to steadily weaken it, in part through an ideological assault suggesting that it is really not necessary. To conclude that affirmative action is no longer necessary one must be looking at a different United States of America.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, June 16, 2012 Romney and the Right: They Hate him...But They Hate Obama More
The strategy of the political Right that is quite noteworthy. Their aim is to destroy the Obama presidency, but more importantly, to destroy the possibility of a two-party system. Their attitude towards Romney, therefore, is an alliance of convenience rather than an alliance of trust and respect. He serves as their battering ram.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, March 17, 2012 The GOP's Warmongering on Iran
While it appears that President Obama is not interested in, at least for now, a war with Iran, he has fallen over himself to demonstrate his loyalty and support for Israel. This is unsettling; US foreign policy should not be based upon supporting Israel on everything that they do.
(4 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 14, 2011 NATO Demonstrates Why It Needs to Stay Out of Libya
The only thing that will stop the NATO aggression is an aroused populace in NATO countries that understands the airstrikes underway in Libya have nothing to do with aiding the cause of democracy, human rights or the protection of civilians. The murder of Qaddafi's son and grandchildren cannot be addressed through a heartfelt apology by President Obama or any other leader of the NATO gang.
SHARE Saturday, February 5, 2011 A Spark Becomes A Flame: Uprisings Shake The Arab World!
This is a time to celebrate the courage and determination of those who have marched day after day for progressive change. It is also a time to ensure that the Arab World is able to exercise its own direction without imperial influence.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 16, 2010 Lessons From Black History: Understanding How Change Happens
Has the US become even more divided in the Obama era? Since race is hard-wired into capitalism, we see a new coding of the divisions between Americans today. But too many Obama supporters have become complacent because they feel they have an ally in the White House. History shows issues-based movements are where we should focus our efforts, not any one political figure.