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Terry Bennett MD MPH 151 s Main St Rochester NH 03867
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Terry Bennett

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I am a dinosaur, a practicing Solo GP,in a small town in New Hampshire, with no "boutiquey" variations to an age old practice pattern. We accept all comers
I have an MD and an MPH from Harvard, have set up and run walk in urgent care medical services all over the world.
Only in the USA would we be able to persist at a totally failed system of for profit "Health Care"
"Wealth Care" would be a more appropriate term for the debacle we endure.
Time grows short, for us all.

OpEd News Member for 750 week(s) and 4 day(s)

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(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, February 22, 2010
Your local Hospital has bankrupted Medicare and Medicaid, Learn how Rant re; local Hospitals wrecking a system of longstanding, using "NonProfit "status to wreck the private doctors with whom they compete. They have also bankrupted lYour localHospitlhas bankrpted Medicare and MedicaidMedicare and Medicaid,whie at the money game

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