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Bob Sommer is the author of WHERE THE WIND BLEW (a novel). His work has appeared widely in literary, scholarly, and commercial publications, including Centennial Review, Studies in American Fiction, American Book Review, New England Quarterly, Southern Humanities Review, New Letters Review of Books, Hudson Valley Magazine, and elsewhere. He has also authored Teaching Writing to Adults and coauthored The Heath Literature for Composition. His recent freelance work and stories have appeared in The Kansas City Star, Chronogram, Buzzflash, Prick of the Spindle, Cantaraville, and other print and on-line publications. He earned his Ph.D. at Duke University. He and his wife Heather make their home in Overland Park, Kansas, where they have raised three children to adulthood. Bob blogs at Uncommon Hours.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, December 11, 2009 Kabuki Dancing in Oslo
Citing Gandhi and King to justify not only the escalation of the war in Afghanistan but American exceptionalism in general requires President Obama to distill and serve a murky brew of revisionist history and muddled language in Oslo.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, November 24, 2008 David Brooks worries me
For years I've been clicking open his column at The New York Times website and knowing I'd disagree with whatever I read. He was a kind of negative comfort food for the head. I counted on him. And now this!
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 23, 2007 The Backdoor Draft
Our son in Afghanistan worries that he may be sent to Iraq next -- after already serving a tour there.