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S. E. Hoffman is a scientist and writer, as well as a musician and classical singer. She has undergraduate degrees in geology and astronomy from San Francisco State University and a graduate degree in oceanography from Oregon State University. She is a geologist specializing in the origin and evolution of the Earth's crust. She wrote the original scientific paper that proposed that life on Earth originated in oceanic hydrothermal vents. Her studies of ancient rocks showed that Earth had an ocean at least 3.5 billion years ago and that the geochemical signatures of hydrothermal alteration in those rocks are exactly the same as those found in modern oceanic crust. She is a regular reviewer of science books for Publishers Weekly as well as a freelance science journalist.
(9 comments) SHARE Sunday, July 1, 2007 Why Not Assassinate-II ? When Your ENDS Justify Your MEANS, You Become the Means You Have Used
While the Machiavellian Neo-Cons, their corporate funders, and right-wing fundamentalist Christians believe that "The Ends justify the Means," in fact, over the course of our lives, the means we choose are imprinted on our personalities and come to define who we are. To do good is to be good, and to do evil is to be evil. Evil deeds, even in the pursuit of "good," have evil consequences.