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Peter Hankoff

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Peter Hankoff is an award-winning director/writer/producer whose work has taken him all over the world and all over the cable networks. His programs for Unsolved History (Discovery Channel) have taken him inside Hitler’s Bunker and Area 51. His three-part series Gun Camera aired on the Military Channel. His Megadisasters series (25 episodes) aired for three years on The History Channel. And he’s created many programs for National Geographic that have taken him everywhere from Auschwitz to Iwo Jima. Peter lives in Los Angeles.

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SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The Other Heroes of the Pacific Yes, WWII is long over, but these men of Bataan -" ordered to surrender by their commanders -" are long overdue for their proper place in the sun. With the success of "The Pacific," it is time to rekindle the memory of those POWs who languished and starved but could not be exterminated by the inhumanity they suffered.
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Questioning Dolphins I had the good fortune to spend a weekend with former dolphin trainer Ric O'Barry, the main persona in The Cove, and his son Lincoln, and I found real answers to those questions. Until recently, I would've thought how cool to go on a dolphin-swim program and bond with those amazing friends of man. Not anymore.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, March 9, 2010
QUESTIONING DOLPHINS I've seen a lot of disturbing images in my time -" reels of Holocaust atrocities, raw battle footage from Iwo Jima, aftermath photos of Dresden"and the killing sequences from "The Cove" (though only an extremely small part of the film) are on par with them. While the death of animals cannot be equated to the murder, mayhem and suffering of human beings, the slaughter of those dolphins has certainly stuck with me.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, January 18, 2010
Remembering Miep Giles at 100 years-old: Valuing not just Anne Frank's Humanity, but all of humanity itself Anne Frank would never have had the chance to write her diary had it not been for Miep and countless unnamed heroes who put themselves in harm's way to do what was right. Miep wasn't just a witness to history.She was a participant who valued not just a young girl's humanity but all of humanity itself, and her actions guide the way for all of us to stand up to indecency, injustice, and institutionalized oppression.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 6, 2009
Remembering Pearl Harbor I remember it because we regrouped & rose to the occasion and refitted,rebuilt & resurrected our Armed Forces.I remember Pearl Harbor because ash & blood were turned into steel & resolve &, ultimately, forgiveness and generosity.I remember Pearl Harbor because it gives me faith that the best in people can overcome the worst in governments.I have not forgotten that hope forever renews Americans & everyone else in the world.

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