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For starters, I am not the Henry Porter who writes for the Observer in Britain. I'm a native New Yorker living in Maryland. I used to believe knowledge was power. Now I know knowledge translated into action is power.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 11, 2010 MasterCard and Visa cut off Wikileaks, but the KKK is still OK!
Want to support the KKK? MasterCard and Visa are only too happy to help. Want to support Wikileaks? You're on your own. I guess some purists are better than others, eh?
(7 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Now we have to worry about TSA perverts and pedophiles?
Groping women's breasts and pawing guys groins is bad enough. But molesting children in the name of safety can mean only one thing. The terrorists have won.
SHARE Thursday, November 11, 2010 Bush Book Tour is Great News... For Kissinger!
It is impossible to imagine a more striking example of a sociopath dropping his "Mask of Sanity" than this book tour and that interview. Who in their right mind brags about committing war crimes -- when no one is asking you about them?
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, October 26, 2010 40 years later, and Daniel Ellsberg still scares the hell out of me.
Daniel Ellsberg appeared at the Wikileaks press conference to give his support. He also issued a dire warning that most of the media has ignored. Ellsberg may not be "The Most Dangerous Man in America" anymore, but that's only because there are people working overtime in Washington to claim that title.
(17 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 23, 2010 Wikileaks documents confirm Tom Fox died for our sins
The Wikileaks documents confirm the claims of death squad activities made in 2005. Those claims prompted Tom Fox and others to go to Iraq and investigate. The Wikileaks documents confirms what I've long suspected: Tom Fox, Steve Vincent, Yasser Salihee, Fakher Haider, and Ted Westhusing died for our sins.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 18, 2010 John Tyler: Smacking Down Fools and Teabaggers, Too!
Teabaggers say the damndest things. They also think repeating them makes them true. I love it when they make the argument from ignorance. It is invariably as easy to crush as a grape. Enjoy.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, August 17, 2010 Newsflash: New Yorkers don't care what out-of-town bedwetters think.
I'm sick and tired of half-assed quitters like Sarah Palin (half-term governor), Newt Gingrich (dumped his cancer-stricken wife), Glenn Beck (didn't last a semester in college) and idiot teabaggers (can't even finish a thought) getting all worked up about stuff happening in a city they are afraid to drive in.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 3, 2010 Ricky Martin's Lyrical Act of Courage
Ricky Martin's decision to leave behind la vida mentirosa was more than an act of personal courage. It was a gift to millions of kids struggling to find the courage they need to step out into the light.
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 30, 2010 The US sends Israel a clear signal: Don't assume.
For decades, Israel could count on the US to veto any Security Council resolution aimed at Israeli policy. That may come to an end in a very public and humiliating way for Israel when the US steps back and effectively tells Israel, "You're On Your Own" when it comes to illegal settlements.
SHARE Monday, March 15, 2010 ACTION ITEM: Help push HR 4789 (Public Option Act) to the floor for a vote.
Alan Grayson has just proposed legislation that would cut through all the nonsense and noise surrounding the health care "debate" and deliver a real public option. However, HR 4789 will not see the light of day unless it is voted out of the Ways and Means Committee. That's where you come in.
SHARE Wednesday, February 24, 2010 Questions people prefer not to ask
Why, in a country swimming with opium, are suicidal women setting themselves on fire? You're kidding yourself if you think we don't own a piece of that.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, January 22, 2010 I never expected a pony, but this is ridiculous.
When the Senate Majority Leader can boldly claim "I don't work for the president" a week before the guy even takes office, don't point at progressives and say we're undercutting Obama's agenda.