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Gifford Keen

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Gifford Keen is fifty four years old and describes himself as a retired software geek, reluctant landlord, and aspiring novelist. He has a liberal arts degree from St. John's College in Santa Fe and has had a variety of careers: from apple picker to software executive, carpenter to real estate investor. He's climbed in the Joshua Tree, built cutting-edge databases to support high-throughput DNA sequencing at pharmaceutical companies, and lived in a log cabin with no electricity or running water that he built with his own hands. In addition to co-authoring Prodigal Father Wayward Son with his father (Sam Keen - bestselling author of Fire in the Belly), Gifford has written six novels: two thrillers, three mysteries, and (voted least likely to ever be published), a half-vampire-detective novel. All are currently unpublished, but the last two did receive more than a dozen absolutely glowing rejections from top editors at big publishing houses -- we're talking something that could have gone on the back cover, right up until the... "but." He's currently working on a more serious novel about the differences between romantic-adolescent-in-love type love and long-term-committed-married type love with a working title of "Longing." Gifford is happiest backpacking in the high country or spending time with his family, and he currently manages a dozen rental properties in Santa Fe - which is hardly enough to keep the mind alive, but does give him time to write, meditate, and practice yoga.


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Sam and Gifford Building Sam's House, From ImagesAttr
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Storytelling and Reconciliation Follow up on Rob Kall's interview with Sam and Gifford Keen about their book Prodigal Father Wayward Son. Written by Gifford Keen

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