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Barbara And Bruce MacLean-Lerro

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Barbara MacLean and Bruce Lerro are co-founders and organizers for Socialist Planning Beyond Capitalism. Follow them on Facebook and Twitter. http://planningbeyondcapitalism.org/


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Part II Neoliberal Micro-Psychology vs Communist Macro-Psychology, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, March 21, 2025
Part II of Neoliberal Micro-Psychology vs Communist Macro-Psychology: From Flatland to Spaceland Here is a slow-motion study of how psychological propaganda works. Lev Vygotsky was a communist psychologist who did his work in the Soviet Union almost 100 years ago. What happens when his books and projects are imported into the capitalist West? Capitalism, social class, alienation are eliminated from the discussion. In its place is a social contract, romantic self.
Neoliberal Micro Psychology vs Communist Macro Psychology, From Uploaded
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Neoliberal Micro Psychology vs Communist Macro Psychology: From Flatland to Spaceland Part I When I was in graduate school in psychology I asked my social psychology teacher whom I suspected of being a marxist "Why don't psychologists ever talk about capitalism? Why don't they talk about social class, exploitation and the alienation of labor?" She said to me, "have you ever heard of Vygotsky?" My ship had come in.
Take Your Clothes off and Keep Your Mouth Shut, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, February 7, 2025
Take Your Clothes Off and Keep Your Mouth Shut: My Twelve Years in a Union as a Fine Arts Model What do you imagine the life of an artist's model is like? Like any working-class job you do better with a union. But how hard is it to sit in one place? It's very difficult without a limber body & knowledge of your physical limitations. My work with teachers made me a better artist, allowed me time to read, write & provided me with a good income as I made a transition to college teaching. I loved this work.
What is a Working Class Hero?, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, January 27, 2025
What is a Working Class Hero? Years ago John Lennon claimed that a working class hero is something to be. Many people see Luigi as a working class hero. Tina Turner, herself working class, told us we don't need another hero. In this article we show they are all wrong. The life of socialist revolutionary Elizabeth Gurley Flynn takes us higher, deeper & broader into working class heroes.
Towards a Neopagan, Process Thealogy, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, January 3, 2025
Towards a Neopagan Process Thealogy: How it Can Enrich Communism The revolutions in physics at the end of the 19th century had powerful implications for Western philosophy. The rise of complexity theory 75 yrs later added to the crisis. Process philosophy provided a framework for this new science. Continued rumblings in theology produced process "theology". Then the radical women's movement attempted to paganize process theology. Can communists ignore this? We don't think so.
Ungrateful, Lying Upstarts, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 8, 2024
Ungrateful Lying Upstarts: The Western Denial Of The Eastern Origins of Their Civilization For the educated layperson here in the West the rise of China & the Middle-East appears to be about 30 years old. Before then it seems the West had dominated for about 500 years-others for 2,000 years. However, author John M. Hobson exposes this framework as the creation of 19th century Eurocentric propaganda. Rather the window of time where the West has led the East is less than less than 200 years.
Cross-Cultural Comparative Politics, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, November 2, 2024
Cross-Cultural Comparative Politics: Social Science or Cold War Propaganda? The field of comparative politics took off in the 1950s in Mordor & for 10 years it never lost its anti-communist tinge. It is part of a self-propagandizing triumphalism that includes domestic political science, neoclassical economics & international relations theory. All these fields are ideological smoke screens that keep the West from facing its deep political and economic decline in the face of the rise of the East.
The Myopia of Anglo-American Rulers, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, October 19, 2024
The Myopia of Anglo-American Rulers: How They Can't Face Their Loss to the "Eurasian Miracle" China Russia, India & Iran are blossoming in harnessing energy and building infrastructures. Economically BRICS currency will eventually marginalize the dollar. What is amazing is the vast denial system that Mordor and its vassals has hypnotized itself into believing. This article is about how the ideology of Eurocentrism paternalism racism and imperialism keeps the West in a fog about how badly its situation actually is.
Choose-Up Games in the Sandlots, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Choose-Up Games from the Sandlots of Jamaica, Queens NY My 13-year love affair w/sandlot baseball 7 to 20 years old. Our choose-up games had no managers&no umpires, yet we self-managed the games ourselves. We used rags for bases, rarely had enough players&often had to cover 2 infield positions and 2 outfield positions simultaneously. The field had stones if you were lucky and rocks if you weren't. Our players could have been the East Side Kids where brawling was just an insult
The Collective Creativity of Workers, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, September 13, 2024
The Collective Creativity of Workers: From Unconscious Sleeping Giant to Builder of Barricades Part II Romantic ideas about creativity begin&end with individuals. But in capitalist societies when workers engage in collective-creativity such as natural disasters & how workers build workers' councils in revolutionary situations. Workers have always been creative. But they have always done so unconsciously. But under unique circumstances this sleeping giant awakens to produce marvelous social experiments suppressed by capitalists.
The Collective Creativity of Workers, From Uploaded
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, September 1, 2024
The Collective Creativity of Workers: From Unconscious Sleeping Giants to Conscious Builders of Barricades Part I In the West our notions of creativity are baked with the assumptions of a romantic theory of art. This usually limits our conceptions of creativity to individuals. But there are forms of collective creativity workers engage in that are unconscious due to the alienation of class society. However in the conditions of natural disasters, social movements & revolutionary situations workers make their collective creativity conscious
Absolutist, Relativist and Cynical Thinking Styles, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, August 25, 2024
Absolutist, Relativist and Cynical Thinking Styles: How Yankees are Blockheads Outside of the US despite class the people of Mordor are rightfully seen as not knowing anything about geography history or politics. Our article draws on research that most Yankees cannot clearly think about ill-structured, complex problems. Instead they think in an absolutist relativist or cynical manner. At a macro-level this applies to their political parties & on a micro-level to romance or individual lifespan.
Holistic vs Analytic Thought, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 5, 2024
Holistic vs Analytical Thinking: East vs West and The Ecological, Political and Economic Reasons for Their Differences Why would the ancient Chinese excel at algebra & arithmetic but not in geometry as the Greeks did? Why do the Chinese learn verbs at a faster rate than nouns? Why do Westerners learn nouns at a faster pace? Why are Easterners more conforming to their in-group than Westerners but more hostile to strangers than those in the West? For one author the answer is not religious. Rather, it is ecological, political and economic.
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, July 27, 2024
"Dictatorship" and "Democracy" as Loaded Language: Anti-Communist Cold-War Propaganda The term "dictatorship" has been used and abused by the Anglo-American Empire for the last 100 years. Believe it or not the Mordor ruling class was sympathetic to dictators in the 1920s and 1930s. Then it was used to tar and feather communism. So too "democracy" was feared by the rulers for most of its history. It was only cleaned up and sanitized after WWII.
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, July 19, 2024
"TOTALITARIAN" ANTI-COMMUNISM: Loaded Language Straight Out of CIA, Neo-Con Playbook "Totalitarianism" has been used & abused by Anglo American elites for the last 100 years. It was looked upon favorably in the 1920s & 30s to restore "order" to capitalist crises. It became a negative word during the WWII to attack both fascism and communism. Cold War liberals in the 50s championed themselves as an alternative to communism. It still comes in handy today even though the word has been declared unscientific.
Left Brain Part II, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, July 6, 2024
The Dark Side of Left-Brain Operations: Part II Schizophrenia, Modern Art and Western History Part II In Part I of this article I showed how when the left brain gets out of control the results can be either schizophrenia or modern art. In Part II I show how the worst aspects of the Reformation, the Enlightenment and Industrial capitalism can be linked to habits of the left brain gone haywire and manifested in material structures.
The Dark Side of Left-Brain Operations, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, June 21, 2024
The Dark Side of Left-Brain Operations: Schizophrenia, Modern Art and Western History Part I Until now scientific comparisons between brain hemispheres appear as functionally interdependent. But Iain McGilchrist's great book, The Master and His Emissary, argues that there is also a power struggle between the hemispheres. When the left brain gets control results include schizophrenia & modern art. In Western history the Reformation, the Enlightenment & the Industrial Revolution had left-brain tendencies gone amuck.
Dogmatic Authoritarian Neo-Liberal Democrats, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, June 7, 2024
Dogmatic Neoliberal Democrats: An Authoritarian Party and Their Upper-Middle Class Loyalists The word dogmatism is usually associated with working-class people who are assumed to be ignorant & uneducated. This is contrasted to the open-minded upper middle-class liberals. This article aims to show that upper middle-class Neo-liberal Democrats are every bit as dogmatic & authoritarian in their reasoning & loyalty to groups. They possess all 14 dogmatic traits as well as 3 authoritarian characteristics.
From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, May 25, 2024
Aryan Idols and the Search for Indo-Europeans: The Prehistory and History of Fascist Mythology Part II In Part I of our article we explored the origins of Indo-European through the study of language & culture with India being the most likely candidate. But by the end of the 19th century these explorations turned to racial anthropology for answers.Now potential Indo-Europeans were identified by the land they occupied their physique and their brain size. Why the change in methods & why was India abandoned for Nordic origins of IE
Aryan Idols and the Search for Indo-Europeans, From Uploaded
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, May 11, 2024
Aryan Idols and the Search for Indo-Europeans: The Prehistory and History of Fascist Mythology Part I The search for "Indo Europeans" seems a particularly lost cause. Why hypothesize a culture, language and geographical region and a time older than the Sumerians when there is no concrete evidence? In spite of this, the English and German linguists and archeologists were particularly determined to find one to discover such a culture, not in the name of scientific objectivity, but for political and economic reasons.

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