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Jeff Maehr

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Jeff Maehr has been in the health and wellness field for 43 years. Over the last 14, he has been thrust into the political and constitutional law and liberty arena, and is very active in educating others (and himself) in the growing database of information exposing the fraud and corruption in governments today. Now in battle with the IRS, exposing the so-called "income" tax fraud in the Appeals court, the evidence is irrefutable and clear to all who want it.

OpEd News Member for 414 week(s) and 2 day(s)

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(16 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 28, 2016
What is an "income" tax and where did it come from? NOT the 16th Amendment! Do you know how the word "income" is defined in the Internal Revenue Code? Do you actually make any "income" through your work or other activities? Did the 16th Amendment actually create the "income" tax? You'll be surprised... and upset... when you learn the truth.

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