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Patrick Osio

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Former Editor of HispanicVista.com (2000 to 2010), a weekly online news magazine dealing with US-Mexico and Hispanic-American issues. Weekly columnist with HVC. Monthly columnist for the San Diego Metropolitan Magazine, The Connection, which garnered 5 awards from the Society of Professional Journalists San Diego. Articles submitted by Knight-Ridder to their 400 news clients until K-R was sold. Co-producer of two documentaries on Real Estate in Mexico and on retiring in Mexico. Host of radio talk show, the Baja Connection. Free lance writer.

OpEd News Member for 427 week(s) and 3 day(s)

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Cinco de mayo, From FlickrPhotos
Sunday, April 30, 2017 SHARE More Sharing Cinco de Mayo - a great battle, a great victory 5th of May was a ballet fought in Mexico against French invading forces. Not to be confused with Mexican Independence Day on September 16.
From flickr.com: Smoking Gun, From Images
Monday, April 3, 2017 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Trump like Nixon is headed into the abyss of guilt though possibly innocent Trump continues to make political enemies who may be those who can vote for his impeachment.
Monday, March 27, 2017 SHARE More Sharing Time to change or leave the office Lack of qualified political and policy advisers hampers President Trump.
From ImagesAttr
Friday, March 17, 2017 (3 comments) SHARE More Sharing Let's build a wall, hire more guards, spend more and fail again, because that's what we do best. Trump keeps promise to build wall but US citizens will pay not Mexico
From ImagesAttr
Sunday, March 5, 2017 (27 comments) SHARE More Sharing According to President Trump, former President Obama is another Nixon. Really? Trump accuses Obama of breaking law having his telephone tapped.
Friday, January 13, 2017 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing 1880s Nativists Replaced by Modern-Day Nativists but Message Remains the Same From time to time Nativism raises its ugly face creating division. We are now faced with that danger. This article explains the history of such events.
Wednesday, January 4, 2017 (12 comments) SHARE More Sharing The role of economic disparity as the cause in border crossings Two ingredients are the cause of immigration -- the push and the pull. The push is the need to migrate or immigrate and the pull is the place where the immigrant believes the need will be satisfied. Typically economic is the need and the US represents the place.
Jeff Sessions, From WikimediaPhotos
Friday, December 16, 2016 (8 comments) SHARE More Sharing The nation cannot allow a white-supremacist as Attorney General The article opines that Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III's DNA handed from no less than 3 generations of slave owners and 3 more of firm believers of the inferiority of black and other non-white people without his acknowledgement or possible knowledge of his deeply rooted white-supremacist roots can place the nation's minorities in a precarious position and thus he should not be approved to head the Department of Just

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