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Zillah Eisenstein

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Zillah Eisenstein has been a Professor of Politics at Ithaca College in New York for the past 35 years and is now “Distinguished Scholar in Residence” there. Besides THE AUDACITY OF RACES AND GENDERS: A PERSONAL AND GLOBAL STORY OF THE OBAMA CAMPAIGN (2009, Zed Press, London; Palgrave, U.S.), her books include among others: SEXUAL DECOYS, GENDER, RACE AND WAR IN IMPERIAL DEMOCRACY (London, Zed Press; New York, Palgrave, 2007); AGAINST EMPIRE, ibid.; HATREDS: RACIALISED AND SEXUALIZED CONFLICTS IN THE 21ST CENTURY, (Routledge, 1996); GLOBAL OBSCENITIES: PATRIARCHY, CAPITALISM AND THE LURE OF CYBERFANTASY (NYU PRESS, 1996); and MANMADE BREAST CANCERS, (Cornell Univ. Press, 2001). For more information see: https://zillaheisenstein.wordpress.com/


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SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, March 7, 2017
The Many Ways to STRIKE on March 8: Rise, Resist, Organize, Dance, Dialogue, Refuse - The Feminist Wire The International Women's Strike/US on March 8, 2017 hopes to be a catalyst for the liberation of all women, cis and trans--of every color, sex, gender, class, nation, and identity--from every kind of exploitation. "We" have an opportunity in this moment that we should not ignore. There is a long labor history to the celebration of women on March 8

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