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Lucas Berard

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 I served four years in the Marine Corps (2002-2006), and three years in the Army (2007-2010). My first deployment was to Fallujah in 04-05, second was Kirkuk 08-10). In the years following my first deployment, I became increasingly skeptical of the both reasoning behind the Iraq war, as well as the nationalist fervor being driven by mainstream media. The lack of concern for the lives of so many people seems to mean very little to the general population. I think we're being collectively pushed to continue unnecessary bloodshed for the sake of profits for a select few. I currently live at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage (Rutledge, MO), and advocate for environmental responsibility and personal independence via growing one's own food, supplying one's own power, water, natural building techniques, etc.

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Lucas Berard July 7, 2004, From ImagesAttr
(23 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, April 30, 2017
From Right to Left, a Vet's Perspective I deployed with the Marines in Fallujah (2004-2005), and with the Army in Kirkuk (2008-2010). The only reason I say it now is to establish validity with all of you; I too have felt disdain for those who talk about something they've never experienced.

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