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I'm a Democrat but I will never again make the mistake of voting for a Corporatist. I proclaim as loudly as I can that I -DO- have the option of voting for "none of the above". You want my vote, address my issues. Don't tell me how bad the other guy is when your linen is also soiled, albeit with a different stain.
(5 comments) SHARE Monday, July 25, 2022 America has always been run by criminals
Aaron Good and Ben Norton begin a series of videos discussing Good's Book "American Exception". The thesis of the book is that America has been run by criminals since its founding. Look at the insider trading of Nancy Pelosi and how Obama "solved" the 2008 financial crisis by printing trillions of dollars and giving it away to the banksters who caused the crisis.
(7 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 2, 2022 Pepe Escobar interviewed by Richard Medhurst: Ukraine war insanity/hilarity.
Folks might want to review this map of Russian positions in Ukraine while listening to the podcast.
Escobar laughs at the ridiculous propaganda being broadcast by the MSM. Russia so far has only committed 10% of its forces which are now closing the western end of "the cauldron" which contains 12 or more Ukraine Army Brigades. Just as Scott Ritter predicted they would. The Ukraine forces will surrender or die.