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727-278- 1547 or email bruce@stpeteprogressives.org
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Bruce Wright

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Rev. Dr. Bruce Wright of the Refuge Ministries Tampa Bay International and Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign has a doctorate in Ministry and Master's in Pastoral Psychology. He is a licensed addictions counselor and a licensed domestic violence counselor. Rev. Wright is a Baptist Pastor and Director of Refuge Ministries. He is an ordained Deacon with the Apostolic Catholic Church, on the Executive Committee of the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign (www.economichumanrights.org). The Refuge has been around for 22 years. And, the Poor People's Campaign for 15 years. The Campaign has 50 organizations of poor and homeless that are members including the Refuge. Rev. Wright is a member of St. Pete For Peace and the Homeless Coalition, as well as the League of Revolutionaries for a New America, and US Alliance of Inhabitants, an international housing movement. He is an active organizer for Occupy Tampa and Occupy Washington DC. He is a musician and a poet, and was formerly homeless himself, received government assistance for healthcare and Food Stamps. The Rev. Wright also have been a member of the Green Party for sometime, member of the Green Shadow Cabinet Commission on Homelessness. Rev. Wright helped in Cheri Honkala's campaign for Vice President, along with Jill Stein for President with the Green Party. Website for refuge is www.refugestpete.org. The Rev. Wright is a radio show host for the Revolutionary Road Radio Show on 1340Am in Clearwater, Florida. He can be contacted at 727-278- 1547 or email "bruce at stpeteprogressives dot org"

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The real story of Christmas, From FlickrPhotos
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, December 20, 2017
The Real Christmas Story of Poverty, Homelessness and Empire What is the Real War on Christmas? An examination into the Historical context of the Christmas story
Charlottesville .Unite the Right. Rally, From FlickrPhotos
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, August 17, 2017
Conditions Created to Foster White Nationalism This article attempts to look at the conditions that have given rise to White Nationalism as well a briefly correlate it to similar conditions that happened in Germany in late 1920's to early 1930's
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, August 2, 2017
The Saturday Morning Massacre This articles describes one city's growing criminalization of homelessness and further clarifies how this and many cities operate when it comes to policies of criminalization. It also highlights the role police play in this process.

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