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Cherie Brown

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Cherie Brown has had a lifetime commitment to doing social justice work. She founded NCBI in 1984, with a goal of training activists and leaders all over the world in the coalition building skills necessary to end the divisions that separate people. Ms. Brown has an M. Ed in Counseling and Consulting Psychology from Harvard University and over the last thirty-four years, in partnership with many NCBI Leaders, has built NCBI into one of the leading diversity training and grassroots leadership organizations with chapters or Affiliate teams in over 40 communities worldwide.

Ms. Brown’s work has been featured on ABC Evening News, National Public Radio (NPR), Christian Science Monitor World News; and in The Washington Post, Los Angeles Time’s Sunday Magazine, Washington Times, New York Times, USA Today, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, and Fortune Magazine. In 1999, the work of NCBI was designated a “best practice for racial reconciliation” by President Clinton’s Initiative on Race. The U.S. Department of Education chose NCBI’s work on race and gender issues on college campuses as one of only five organizations to receive a designation of “best practice”.

In addition to her work with NCBI, Ms. Brown is an adjunct faculty at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. From 2014-the present, she has been leading workshops at numerous college campuses following incidents of anti-Semitism on those campuses: Brown University, Vassar University, Connecticut College. She is also the author of several publications, including:

- Leading Diverse Communities: How-A How-To Guide for Moving from Healing into Action, 1997
- Racism on Campus: Confronting Racial Bias through Peer Intervention, Winter 1991
- Conflict Resolution in the Classroom: Training Elementary School Children to be Prejudice Reduction Leaders, 1986
- Working it Out: Blacks and Jews on the College Campus, produced by the American Jewish Committee, 1985
- The Art of Coalition Building: A Guide for Community Leaders, published by the American Jewish Committee, 1984


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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Grass-roots Racism & Anti-Semitism? Responding You are about to read notes and comments by Cherie Brown, about dealing with what might be called "grass-roots racism and anti-Semitism" -- that is, Jews expressing what to Blacks seems outright racism, and Blacks expressing what to Jews seems outright anti-Semitism. Is it possible to work through these exxpressions to alliance?

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