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Kelly Miller

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Kelly is an active advocate for Political Corruption, Sex Trafficking, Human Rights, Social Justice and Homelessness. Kelly summited a report of targeted withholding of medical services by Virginia hospital and the NLG added it to their report to the United Nations. As a result Kelly was sponsored by the USHRN as a US Delegate to the United Nations Summit in Geneva 2020. In addition to the many venues Kelly has presented at Kelly's public advocacy earned her a United States Human rights Network 2018 "FIHRE" Fellow honoree. In addition to advocating for Human Rights Kelly personally filed federal litigation for targeted RICO act violations against the DC police department, DC Attorney General, Dc Court System, judge Fern Saddler and the Marriott International. As a result of Kelly's fight in July 2018 Kelly was nationally recognized and honored by the National Whistleblowers organization as a FBI Whistleblower of Law Enforcement and Government Corruption. While advocating in DC Kelly has provided personal testimony before the Inter American commission for Human Rights and various United Nations Special rapporteurs. As a result of Kelly's advocacy for the Homeless Kelly lobbied the EPA Environmental Justice Agency to secure a National Homelessness grant opportunity which is now being offered nationally. Kelly has presented her story at the National League of Cities Congressional Summit in Dc 2020 as well as Georgetown Law University, American Bar Association and various other government and NGO organizations. Kelly is originally from the eastern Kentucky Coal Mountains where she earned a Masters in Adult Education in 2008 and a Masters in Counseling in 2010.

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Kelly Miller speaking at NLC Congressional Summit, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, June 11, 2022
Kelly Miller National FBI Whistleblower presents at National League of Cities Congressional Summit Exposing Political Corruption and experiencing direct retaliation from a Masonic Blackball
Kelly Miller Homeless & sleeping on the street in Washington DC, From InText
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, June 12, 2019
We Are Human, We Have Value "We Are Human, We Have Value" is a personal writing from a currently homeless woman providing current information and personal experiences of societies inhumanity toward those less fortunate.
Kelly Miller laying on the streets of DC Homeless, From InText
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, May 2, 2019
Homeless Woman Secures National Policy Change in Environmental Justice Agency Environmental Justice agency specifically includes "Homelessness Issues" into national agency policy due to homeless eastern Kentucky woman's 2+ years of lobbying efforts.
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Homeless woman lobbys for EJ to include Homelessness into agency & secures New EJ Grant opportunity nation wide Homeless woman lobby's for EPA-Environmental Justice Agency to include Homelessness Into their agency and secures a nation wide EJ Homelessness Small Grant opportunity

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