Philip's a 49 year old male with two grown children and lives in Peoria, Arizona. He spends most of his time reading the day's top news stories and follows politics closely. He spends half of every day fact checking stories and cross referencing links to sources prior to re-posting them to his blog where he adds his logical analysis, technical critiques, raging rants and profane blistering diatribes -- shrewdly testing and often stretching the bounds of acceptable speech -- climactic emotional litanies played out in a transformative psychodrama. The aim is to expel pent up emotions that if left to dwell upon, would consume his productive energy and can sometimes lead to psychosomatic illness. Left unpurged strong emotions can lead to deviant behaviors. "If human experience proves anything at all," writes James Fitzjames Stephens, "it proves, that if the restraints are minimized, if the largest measure of Liberty is accorded to all human beings, the result will not be equality but inequality, reproducing itself in a geometrical ratio." Remove the restraints and see how quickly an aristocracy based on Merit would mow down an aristocracy based on Credit. Philip is waiting for that opportunity. Material gain is of no interest to him. This pilgrim is searching for blood -- rivers of it.
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