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Andy Silver


Imagine. . .

       -- John Lennon

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Andy Silver, MA, MSPH, is a retired unAmerican epidemiologist. In 1965, horrified by reports of American atrocities in Vietnam and the overwhelming public support for them, he decided that he was living under enemy occupation and that revolution was necessary. First, he volunteered to work with SNCC in Clay County, Mississippi on voter registration and a school boycott. Then he entered law school at the University of Washington, where he became president of SDS. In 1966 he was drafted after writing a letter to his Nashville, Tennessee draft board condemning the war of aggression in Vietnam. Not being arrested immediately after refusing conscription in Seattle, he took a bus to Vancouver, BC. Mr. Silver eventually arrived in Israel, where he became a citizen, attended the Hebrew University, and served in the IDF. After 13 years he left Israel as a matter of conscience, refusing to be part of an apartheid system. He found a cheap flight to Bangkok, and then settled in Chiangmai, Thailand. In 1989, he brought his wife and three children to Chapel Hill, NC. He did not wish to leave Chiangmai, but it was necessary to bring the family either to the US or to Israel for the children to receive education beyond the sixth grade. Finding that a minimum wage no longer was a living wage, as it had been in the sixties, he entered graduate study at the University of North Carolina, where he was able to obtain student loans. He graduated with an MSPH in epidemiology at the age of 55, then worked ten years with a quality improvement organization in North Carolina. In 2010 he returned to Thailand, where he worked voluntarily 8 years with the Karen Department of Health and Welfare, initiating a quality improvement program in mobile health clinics inside occupied Burma. The clinics are staffed by refugees trained by volunteer oversees health professionals in refugee camps.


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(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, November 15, 2024
Dean Phillips was Right Biden's choice of Kamala Harris left the Democrats with a losing candidate, the epitome of mediocrity, after Biden's egoistic determination to seek a second term prevented competitors from running in primaries. Dean Phillips was right and Democratic party leaders were wrong in staying loyal to Biden far too long.
Series: Biden Fiasco (2 Articles, 2162 views)
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, May 3, 2024
Bad Messaging in Campus Protest Report on visit to campus protest against genocide at University of North Carolina
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, November 9, 2023
Biden Must Go The Democrats are winning on the issues, but nomination of Biden would be Trump's best chance for being re-elected. Biden must go. On war and foreign policy his failures have been abominable. I support Dean Phillips but hope to see Elizabeth Warren and Ro Khanna run for president.
Series: Biden Fiasco (2 Articles, 2162 views)
(18 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, July 18, 2021
SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant: Mandatory Masking Needed The delta variant is main cause of the new surge in covid-19 cases. The CDC never should have announced that vaccinated peope do not need to wear masks indoors in public. The CDC and State and local authorities need to require masking as long as vaccination rates are too low.
Series: Preventing deaths from covid-19 (5 Articles, 12885 views)
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, July 12, 2021
Biden's Srebrenica Moment If President Biden does not act immediately to begin the evacuation of Afghan translators and their families to Guam, his hypocritical promise that "There is a home for you in the United States" will live in infamy. .
masked in a restaurant, From FlickrPhotos
(40 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, May 17, 2021
CDC's IRRESPONSIBLE, UNSCIENTIFIC DIRECTIVE Dr. Walensky's announcement that vaccinated people do not need to wear masks or socially distance in public places is likely to lead to spikes in cases and deaths.
Series: Preventing deaths from covid-19 (5 Articles, 12885 views)
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Networks ignoring the most important news about covid-19 Despite the surge of covid-19 cases in the US, numbers of deaths do not appear to be rising. The main reason is the declining fatality rate of cases in hospitals. The media have almost totally ignored this vital news and the improvements in treatment responsible for it.
Series: Preventing deaths from covid-19 (5 Articles, 12885 views)
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, July 4, 2020
COVID-19 Deaths Not Surging in the US The case-fatality rate in the US has been falling more than in some other countries. The method of calculation is obscure, and the rate may be lower than is reported. Reasons include expanded testing, a younger age range, and improved medical care.
Series: Preventing deaths from covid-19 (5 Articles, 12885 views)
(12 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Trump in a Time of Pandemic: The Banality of Evil The far greater number of deaths from covid-19 in the US than in other advanced countries is attributed the Trump's lack of leadership. His lack of empathy is in a class with that of Adolf Eichmann, to whom Hannah Arendt ascribed "the banality of evil."
Series: Preventing deaths from covid-19 (5 Articles, 12885 views)

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