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Joice Biazoto

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Joice Biazoto is a freelance journalist based in Germany. Through her writing, she intends to promote the work of international civil society on crucial issues, such as human rights, social justice, and conflict resolution. She has a Master's degree in Peace Research and Security Policy from the University of Hamburg, and an M.A. in Journalism from Indiana University.

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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, October 12, 2010
As World Food Day approaches, NGOs warn of increase in land grabs Land grabbing has become one of the most serious issues affecting the world's small farmers and indigenous populations today, undermining food security in developing countries. Last week, ahead of World Food Day (Oct. 16), 13 NGOs in over twenty countries released a call to action against land grabs, making policy recommendations for the next session of the Committee for World Food Security (CFS), which started today in Rome.

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