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My first and utmost passions are my children and grand children.
I currently have a strong mind set for activism with the many people across the states that have become very sick from toxic indoor molds, etc., whether it be from thier homes, schools, or work place.
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 13, 2007 MOLD - If I Had Only Known!
Being a victim of toxic mold, my life became a nightmare. I became a prisoner of these toxins. A prisoner in my own home.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 3, 2007 Unhealthy Homes
Is your home a healthy home? All of us have heard about the problems of our outdoor air pollution---smog, smokestacks, and the emissions from the vehicles. Indoor air pollution has been in the news over the past decade that most people have probably heard of that too.
(13 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 22, 2007 Victim's of Toxic Mold
Victim's of Toxic Mold
Please, LISTEN to what we are saying.........
We need medical professionals, government agencies, insurance companies, media, politicians along with those friends and family members that disbelieve the truths of how ill we are from these toxins, OPEN THEIR EYES AND LISTEN WITH THEIR EARS, MOST OF ALL GAIN KNOWLEDGE. Please take the time to learn about this illness.