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H. Lewis Smith is the Founder/CEO of the United Voices for a Common Cause, Inc. and the author of the book Bury that Sucka, A Scandalous Love Affair With the N-word.
(14 comments) SHARE Monday, March 3, 2014 The NFL's Proposal to Penalize Use of the N-word
Thoughts about the Fritz Pollard Alliance's proposal to the NFL to penalize use of the N-word on the playing field by instituting a 15-yard penalty.
(6 comments) SHARE Friday, March 8, 2013 Black Americans Betray Forefathers with use of the N-word
Black America's present day use of the n-word is symbolic of an 18th century slave mentality and has no place in this 21st century for liberated-minded people. Descendants of those victimized and dehumanized by this pejorative term who want to keep this word alive in this 21st century by embracing it are committing blasphemy to the sacred memories, struggles and sacrifices of their forefathers.
(4 comments) SHARE Tuesday, November 13, 2012 Boston Celtics' KG and the N-word
Kevin Garnett, of the NBA Boston Celtics is a resounding success story in monetary terms; spiritually, however, he is a perfect example of someone floundering through a sea of confusion and mental chaos, and with all due respect needs to stop degrading his Black community with his prolific use of the n-word.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, September 24, 2012 Music's Influence on the Human Mind
In any sense, music serves as an influencing factor on the human mind. In the sense of overcoming, music is a powerful tool that can encourage anyone to believe that they can accomplish anything. To the contrary, music--still with its mighty persuasion--can discourage, disappoint and destroy.
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, August 2, 2012 One Nation Under God?
Gun violence has become a way of life in America and there seems to be no end in sight. The American motto is "In God we trust" but in practice it seems to be "In Guns we trust"
(9 comments) SHARE Friday, May 8, 2009 UN Treaty on Children's Rights: The Dawning of a Conspiring New World Order?
Experts who have studied the document say: "...the treaty, which creates 'the right of the child to freedom of thought, conscience and religion' and outlaws the 'arbitrary or unlawful interference with his or her privacy,' intrudes on the family and strips parents of the power to raise their children without government interference."
(14 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 4, 2009 Michelle Obama: The true Image of an African American Woman
Radio host and political commentator Tammy Bruce's recent tirade labeling Mrs. Obama as 'trashy and fake' because of a personal speech she delivered to a classroom of students in Washington, DC, confirms the fear and anxiety that consumes the hearts of such racist desperadoes.
SHARE Tuesday, May 27, 2008 Black America Under Siege: Without and Within
Blacks scream "No Justice! No Peace!"; they march, rally, and protest; they call the police and mayor all kinds of names and demand their resignations; they voice outrage at all the injustices. Yet they think nothing of the injustices they perpetuate upon themselves. They disregard the continual slaying of their ancestors' memories by affectionately and endearingly invoking use of the n-word.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 27, 2008 Nas, Genius or a Classic Ninny?
For an African American to utilize the n-word says that they do not respect themselves or the constant struggles of their ancestors; for a non-black to use the idiom expresses their disrespect for the African-American culture, and keeps alive the inferior mindsets that have oppressed the black community for centuries. No benefit comes from the use of this term. If it is not good for one group, it is not good for anyone.
SHARE Tuesday, April 1, 2008 African Americans Are Spellbound
African Americans from all walks of life-ranging from doctorate degree owners, academia professionals, ministers, politicians, or corporate executives, to ill-educated people-share a commonality when it comes to the n-word: They are mesmerized by its hypnotic influence.
SHARE Monday, February 25, 2008 The Pulse Beat of Buffoonery
The n-word is a surviving remnant of a psychological warfare conducted to eliminate self-sufficiency; create dependency; manipulate emotions and attitudes to support achievement of an inhuman national objective: mental enslavement of the African American race. The devious objective was effectively attained and continues to live on. The proof: African Americans refer to their brethren, as well as themselves, as 'N**ger.
SHARE Sunday, January 6, 2008 "CANONIZATION" OF THE N-WORD
Through their use of the word, African Americans permit use of the n-word by others. In this same regard, African Americans have no place to be upset with others using the term, nor should they become angry when they find themselves being slighted or disrespected by others-it's human nature not to show respect to someone who has none for him/herself.
SHARE Tuesday, December 4, 2007 The Spirit of Christmas and Kwanzaa
In 1966, Dr. Ron Karenga, also known as Maulana Karenga, introduced to black and white America alike a debatable and revealing holiday: Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival that brings a cultural message which speaks to the best of what it means to be African and human in the fullest sense. The Nguzo Saba is The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa.
(15 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 24, 2007 AFRICAN AMERICAN'S WATERLOO...THE N-WORD
Many African Americans argue and downplay the seriousness of the n-word's ramifications on the black community. They have failed to understand the consequences of defining themselves with such a word.
African American comedian/actor Eddie Griffin has been inducted into the UVCC's Benedict Arnold's Hall of Shame based on his recent disdain and show of gross contempt towards his community and the trampling on the sacred memories of the African American ancestors with his woeful, purposeful and calcaulated use of the very word which was used to dehumanize and terrorize them-the n-word.
SHARE Tuesday, August 28, 2007 Pending Court Case of Grave Concern
Johnny Duncan, an African American was recently ticketed for riding around town displaying an obscene word (n**ger) on his car. He refuses to pay the ticket and will be appearing in court on Oct. 3rd to fight for what he says is his right to display the word.
SHARE Friday, July 13, 2007 Scrutinizing NAACP's Burial of the N-word
Just how significant are the actions of the NAACP relative to the n-word burial? Many questions are being raised around the country as to whether or not their mock funerals are of any substance and couldn't they be putting their time and efforts to better use? These concerns are addressed and answers are provided.
SHARE Saturday, June 16, 2007 UVCC Head Labels Rapper 50 Cent a Black Simon Legree
Rapper 50 Cent recently revealed that he has no intentions of cleaning up his lyrics despite all the backlash that hip-hop has received since Don Imus' 'nappy headed hoes' controversy.
SHARE Thursday, April 19, 2007 The N-word a "Mantle of Honor"?
In the song reference is made to Ghandi and Jesus as being n*ggers and thus Patti's explanation for singing the song was "the song was written as an attempt to elevate the n-word to a mantle of honor by applying it to the world's great ...