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I am a Free-lance writer/researcher who lives in Michigan. I
lived most of my life in Michigan but have also lived in California (from 1980 to 1988) and in Washington state from '78 to '79. I met and married a Thai woman while I was in California. Our 30th wedding anniversary was this past November. I did like living in California, I liked the activism and the international flavor there but after a couple of earthquakes my wife insisted we move. I was born in and spent most of my childhood in west Michigan. So we came to Muskegon, the place where I was orphaned when I was 7. That is another long story, perhaps for another time.
SHARE Thursday, December 12, 2013 Nelson Mandela Will Live On As A Beacon For Social Justice
Like many other activists and advocates for social justice and human rights I
see Nelson Mandela as a symbol of courage and dignity in the fight for global justice.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, November 16, 2013 Michelle Bachelet Favored To Win In Chilean Presidential Election
Michelle Bachelet may return to the Chilean presidency, this time with a more leftist direction in focus. If she wins Sunday's election she will join the majority of other South American political who are leaning Left.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, November 11, 2013 Philippine Loss From Typhoon Haiyan Colossal
Typhoon Haiyan has taken over 10 thousand lives in the Philippines. Sea level rise and global warming may increase equally dangerous typhoons and hurricanes. There was fore warning of Haiyan so thousands of lives were saved because of being prepared.
SHARE Sunday, November 10, 2013 Philippine Loss From Typhoon Haiyan Colossal
Typhoon that hit the Philippines on Friday, November 8 may well have been the biggest one on record and a sign of things to come. Also the people affected need a great deal of help, as thousands have lost everything and are now homeless.
SHARE Thursday, September 19, 2013 Thursday Republican Controlled House Scheduled To Vote On Aid To Poor
The American Right has declared war on the poor and children demanding large cuts in Head Start, the WIC program and making it more difficult and sometimes impossible for the working poor to make ends meet by attempting to block minimum wage increases. Minimum wage is almost always set well below the poverty line, does that make any sense to you?
(3 comments) SHARE Monday, September 14, 2009 The U.S. Health Care System-Values and Priorities
Does the American health care system exist primarily for the well being of its people or primarily for the profits and interests of the health insurance industry?
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 31, 2009 Philippine Extra-Judicial Killings Continue, Obama's Response In Question
Nearly a thousand civilians have been killed in the Philippines since the Gloria Arroyo presidency began in 2001. What is the U.S. role/attitude as the Philippine government and Armed Forces apparently continue to kill political activists and media people?
(11 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 3, 2009 Obama's First Full Month Significant And Telling
Obama's first full month as President was marked by clarifications in the difference in values between Republicans and Democrats with Republicans again showing their penchant for an austere, cold hearted overview of the sick, the poor and immigrants and an all too frequent scapegoating of these groups in a most base manner. Hopefully things and people will improve.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, November 17, 2008 DR Congo's Historic Urgency.
The Congo's current tragedy is rooted in the injustices of the past and corruption in the present leadership.
SHARE Wednesday, September 24, 2008 Pakistan As "New" Front in Terror War.
Pakistan will likely become center stage in the U.S.'s "War on Terror". A look back at the U.S.'s history in the area and its relationship to/with Islamic fundamentalism is worth taking a look at. Is there a better way?