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Chris Rodda is the Senior Research Director for the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), and the author of Liars For Jesus: The Religious Right's Alternate Version of American History.
SHARE Friday, February 8, 2013 Is David Barton Now Getting His 'History' From Louis L'Amour Novels?
Is David Barton now getting his 'history' from Louis L'Amour novels? A story about students carrying guns to school in the 1800s, which he presented on Glenn Beck's web-based TV show as real history, appears to have come from L'Amour's novel "Bendigo Shafter."
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, August 20, 2012 David Barton Tells Glenn Beck a More Obvious Lie to Refute the Refutation of a Less Obvious Lie
On Thursday's episode of Glenn Beck's web-based GBTV show, Beck's guest was none other than pseudo-historian David Barton, talking about his book The Jefferson Lies getting pulled by its publisher. On the show, Barton told Beck a even more obvious lie to refute the refutation of one of the less obvious lies ion his book.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, May 2, 2012 Pseudo-Historian David Barton's New Jefferson Book is a Load of Crap -- and a Bestseller
Anyone who saw Jon Stewart's interview of Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton on The Daily Show last night probably noticed something missing -- there was almost no discussion about what's actually in Barton's new book, The Jefferson Lies. After the interview last night, I feel like I need to put out something today, so I'm posting the video I made when I first got the book.
(5 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 1, 2011 The Camp Pendleton Cross: The Facts vs. What the "Persecuted" Christians Are Saying
In virtually all cases like this -- whether its a Ten Commandments monument in a courthouse or the cross at Camp Pendleton -- you'll hear the same few talking points coming from those who claim that religious neutrality by the government is somehow tantamount to persecution of Christians.
SHARE Wednesday, November 23, 2011 Did Michele Bachmann Really Expect To Get Away With Her Jesse James Story?
Nothing can explain why Michele Bachmann would take a chance on making up the addition to her already debunked family history that appears in her new book -- that her great-great-grandfather, Halvor Munson, won a farm in Kansas from Jesse James in a poker game!
SHARE Tuesday, October 4, 2011 Defendant in Most Ironic Lawsuit Ever (David Barton v. Some People Who Said Stuff About Him) Responds
One of the defendants in preudo-historian David Barton's defamation lawsuit responds. What nobody, including this defendant, can figure out is why Barton is suing these particular people, who haven't said anything that hasn't been said many times before over the years by other, much more well known Barton critics.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, September 30, 2011 Air Force Academy Was Against Chief Of Staff's Religious Neutrality Edict Before It Was For It
As late as September 26, the leadership at the U.S. Air Force Academy was still unwilling to distribute a watershed memorandum issued by Air Force Chief of Staff General Norton Schwartz on "Maintaining Government Neutrality Regarding Religion." Then, on September 27, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) posted the entire text of the memorandum on a nice big billboard at a very busy in Colorado Springs.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, July 13, 2011 CNN to Air Report on Taxpayer Funded Fake Former Terrorist
CNN's Anderson Cooper will be doing a special investigative report about self-proclaimed former Islamic terrorist Walid Shoebat, who is making good money from American taxpayers with a story that just doesn't add up.
SHARE Tuesday, June 28, 2011 Charter Schools in New Jersey -- We Want a Vote!
Currently, New Jersey residents and local school boards have absolutely no say in whether or not a charter school can be established in their towns. If the state's commissioner of education approves a charter school, a local school board just gets slapped with a bill from the state for the tuition of the charter school students, forcing them to take that money away from the conventional public schools.
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 15, 2011 The 'Gamble Report' -- A Defeat for Mikey Weinstein and His Forces of Satan?
In its latest attempt to give the appearance of concern about complaints of religious intolerance, the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) recently conducted a five-day "investigation" that (big surprise) found that there were no problems at all, save for the occasional minor incident that could always be resolved at the lowest level.
SHARE Friday, May 6, 2011 David Barton's Lies in Action: Randy Forbes Reintroduces 'Spiritual Heritage' Resolution
When the GOP's favorite pseudo-historian David Barton was on the Daily Show the other night, he boasted to Jon Stewart about so many members of Congress coming to him for historical information. One of these members of Congress is Randy Forbes, one of Barton's most active minions in Congress.
SHARE Tuesday, May 3, 2011 We're Not at War with Islam, But Let's Do Everything We Can to Make it Look Like We Are
The commander of the SEAL unit that killed bin Laden, who was supposed to signal that the mission was successfully accomplished with the code word "Geronimo," decided to embellish his communication by prefacing the code word with "For God and Country." Did whoever released this message to the media give any thought at all to what they were doing?
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 22, 2011 Psalm 109 Imprecatory Prayer Case to Go Forward in Texas
Friday's ruling by the Court of Appeals, Fifth District of Texas at Dallas means that it will now be up to jury to decide if recklessly issuing imprecatory prayers against an individual or individuals is a potential incitement to violence or protected free speech.