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I am a retired forensic psychologist living in Los Angeles with enough time on my hands to have spent the past few years studying the deeds whose perpetrators pejoratively deride the correct analysis of which as "conspiracy theories," i.e., USG intelligence community domestic covert operations -- fascist politics by unconventional means. A professor of analytic philosophy in a former career, I no longer embrace the Lotus Land argument that if you can work on your abs, then you are not living under a totalitarian state.
(4 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 1, 2010 Attorney Richard Fine's Self-Inflicted Wounds
A great deal of local fanfare has been made of the 15 month-and-running incarceration of Richard Fine by Los Angeles Superior Judge David Yaffe, especially by Leslie Dutton of "Full Disclosure Network." A close examination of the facts and the law suggest that Mr. Fine challenged the Court on the weakest grounds imaginable, and has been wrong on both the law and the facts from the start.
(9 comments) SHARE Thursday, June 25, 2009 "The propaganda war against Iran" by Bill Van Auken; submitted
The United States media wages a relentless propaganda war against the Iranian government and denies the U.S. history of intervention to destabilize or topple regimes that do not bend to its will
(14 comments) SHARE Monday, June 22, 2009 The CIA and US Media Roles in Destabilizing Iran
In "reporting" on the June 12, 2009 Iranian election, the US Media acts as a propaganda arm for the Central Intelligence Agency with the aim of demonizing and destabilizing the Iranian government.
(46 comments) SHARE Monday, April 20, 2009 Pardon Our Dust, or, Why the World Trade Center Dust Matters
A recent scientific paper conclusively establishes that thermit dust was found in the World Trade Center attack of 911. A scandalous smear of that paper is rebutted, and the political significance of the paper is stated clearly.
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, March 28, 2009 The Free Market, Financial Style: How the Scam Works
Michael Hudson, virtually the only economist willing to expose the scheming fraud of Finance Capital, spells out the mechanism of fraud in the latest effort to "revive markets" for toxic assets, i.e., force the taxpayer to make the ruling class whole for its losses in the wake of the collapse of its giant Ponzi scheme.
SHARE Tuesday, August 12, 2008 FBI Frame-up of Bruce E. Ivins Made Simple
The DOJ-FBI case against Bruce Ivins as the "lone nut" responsible for the 2001 anthrax attacks has many weaknesses that many good articles have exposed. The present article is a sustained reasoned account proving that the DOJ-FBI case is a deliberate and cynical fraud.
(10 comments) SHARE Sunday, August 3, 2008 911 Plotters Bury the Evidence of Anthrax as their Follow-up Punch
To obscure and mystify direct U.S. Government control of the 911 operation, the Department of Justice and the FBI have driven the vulnerable U.S. Army bioweapons researcher Bruce E. Ivins to suicide. His death liberates them to lie at will with media complicity by making Ivins the "lone nut" who released the anthrax in such timely and politically expedient fashion that our civil liberties are reduced to shimmering mirage.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 12, 2008 Pentagon Clarifies that Democracy and the People are the Enemy
Recently release Pentagon documents make plain the Pentagon's proto-fascist anti-democratic posture since WWII, currently vividly expressed in its battle against internet freedom that threatens its onslaught of propaganda
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 10, 2008 In the Meantime, In Between Time, Ain't We Got Fun?
The New Hampshire Primary is a straightforward fraud in which electronic voting machines were programmed to shift votes away from Barak Obama and add votes to Hilary Clinton.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 25, 2007 Requiem for Democracy
Frontline anoints the Cheney presidency with legitimacy
(5 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 10, 2007 Election Fraud Meets 911
Election Fraud Meets 911: Say it ain't so, Joe! You don't mean that the same guys would do both these things.