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I have recently become re-acquainted with Journalism. I wrote many poems and short stories as a teenager and even won some writing contest's. I recently have started a blog called Dobroyeutro which can be found at skypotrol.net. Dobroyeutro means good morning in Russian. However, I use it more in the slang sense of the word to mean 'wake up' or 'pay attention'. Because of recent life experiences and acquaintances with authors Daniel Estulin and Dimitri Khalezov (which have now become friends) I have thus become fascinated with investigative journalism. I guess you could describe me as a blogger and amateur investigative journalist. It is more than just a hobby but I say amateur because I am not getting paid but I enjoy passionately seeking, discovering and sharing the truth with as many people as I can.
I am extremely delighted and excited to say that I am in the infancy stages of writing my very first novel. I am still considering titles and have selected one but it is possible it might change. It will be about my experiences with 9/11, various experiences in India (Amma's Ashram, Headley investigation, Faiza Outalha, the drug trade in India). Also with a sub-theme of intelligence and intelligence agencies. My personal experiences and encounters with Viktor Bout, Russian Intelligence officers. The titled that I have selected for the moment, though rather long but very appropos to what will be written, thus the title is "Drug Smuggler's, Gun Runner's, Russian Intelligence Officers and Terrorist's Wives: And These Are My Friend's, Not My Enemy's"