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Ted Janusz

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Ted Janusz, experienced mortgage broker and creator of one of the most informative home-buying educational seminars in America, gives readers an eye-opening, behind-the-scenes look into the complex world of home mortgages and refinancing. Ted Janusz earned his BS in accounting from Slippery Rock University and MBA in marketing from the University of Pittsburgh. Armed with these credentials, he went on to become a senior loan officer with a regional mortgage bank. Ted now speaks and trains nationally through his own company, Janus Presentations LLC. A humorous, dynamic, down-to-earth and in-demand speaker, Ted is a member of the National Speakers Association.


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SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, May 19, 2007
The Top 10 Mistakes Mortgage Borrowers Make One of the main causes of predatory lending is a lack of education. On average, a mortgage borrower only completes this transaction once every seven years. The loan officer may be working on his or her second or third deal of the day. Who has the advantage? (Hint: the one making the commission!) Here is information from a former senior loan officer that can put the power and control back into the hands of the borrower.

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