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Sherwood Martinelli

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Anti-Nuclear and environmental activist, publisher of two blogs on the subject of nuclear energy.  Living less than three miles from Entergy's Indian Point, which is leaking tritium and strontium 90 into the Hudson, I write in the hopes of awakening the public to the horrors that are nuclear energy.  NEI's( Nuclear Energy Institute) lies about nuclear energy being carbon free have to be exposed, their incestous relationship with the NRC and DOE has to be brought into the light of day, the wrongful rubber stamping of license renewals ended before and American Chernobyl occurs.


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(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, March 2, 2009
Wall Street Journal Uses Racist Term in Call for Legalization of Pot? Is Gringo a racist term used to describe white's from England and America? More importantly, is the Wall Street Journal calling for Legalization of Pot...Ms. O'Grady's article would seem to suggest so since there was no disclaimer that her article represented ONLY HER VIEWS.
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, February 20, 2009
Is Air Force One Becoming Obama's Mission Accomplished Albatross Obama wants Americans to tighten their belts while he flies Air Force One to Chicago for Valentine's Night Dinner at a cost of $53,000 per hour. Today he flies to Denver in Air Force One at a cost of $53,000 when he could sign the bill in the Oval Office...is this what he calls BELT TIGHTENING? It is time for the White House to LEAD BY EXAMPLE, and today's trip to Denver in Air Force One is a bad example.
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 31, 2008
Pro Life Sarah Palin Embraces Nuclear Abortion Machines in Toledo, Ohio Pro Life Christian and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin today embraced building 45 new Nuclear Abortion Machines here in America. Nuclear energy increases various cancers here in America and around the world including childhood leukemia and breast cancers. Additionally, living near a reactor increases a woman's chances of giving birth to a stillborn child. Sarah Palin is fine with Nuclear Abortion for energy?
(11 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, October 18, 2008
What Will Happen if Obama Has Presidency Stolen From Him? What happens if the Republicans again steal the Presidency as they did in 2000 and 2004? Could we see a civil are erupt in America? Could we see Bush or McCain ordering military troops into America's streets, and declaring Marshall Law? What do you see as consequences if the vote is stolen again by the Republicans?
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, October 13, 2008
Palin Spreads Venom and Hate in St. Clairsville, Ohio Sarah Palin does her best to spread hate and anger in Ohio as she enflames old prejudices.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, October 12, 2008
Open Message To Senator's Obama and McCain's Supporters Can we as a nation afford all this political bickering and hostility when our nation is in crisis? Has the time come to put our differences aside, and stand shoulder to shoulder, ready to do the hard work necessary to save the United States of America?
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The Wall Street Bailout From Perspective of One Middle Class American The Wall Street Bailout did nothing for the Average American suffering under an oppressive regime. Read the views of one Middle Class American who has a better idea...lets bailout Main Street, lets put the horse before the cart, and in doing so put Corporate America and the National Chamber of Commerce in their rightful place. It's time for the average American to share in the wealth of America.
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, March 7, 2008
The Republican Family Values Candidate-John McCain? McCain being the Family Values Party's nominee for president is so laughable it is pathetic. McCain had a torrid affair with his current wife while still married. His current wife had a drug addiction, was stealing drugs from her own charity. Her father is a convicted felon. Is this what the Republican Party feels is representing Family Values? Is getting a divorce from your crippled wife to marry a younger woman right?
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Should Obama Withdraw From Race and Take Vice President Spot on Democratic Ticket? Obama tonight got beaten, and beaten very badly. Simply stated, Hillary Clinton who was down and out has knocked Obama down, delivered a punch that has staggered by him and his staff. For the good of the party, for the good of America is it time that he end his race and become her Vice Presidential running mate?
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, February 11, 2008
Corporate Social Responsibility and Carbon Offsets Carbon Offsets are the nucleus of a good idea if used in a socially responsible way to Green those communities that cannot afford to green themselves. Question is, are we as a society, are corporations willing to see the money raised from the sale of Corporate Offsets for such a noble cause as Greening the world's poorest communities, and nations?
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Why The Nuclear Industry Is Pushing Carbon Trading Without Carbon Trading, or at least Carbon Penalties, the nuclear industry and their Nuclear Renaissance cannot occur. Question is, should it occur. What if there was a FAR GREENER option to choose?
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, November 15, 2007
Norris McDonald: Nuclear Power's Black Voice Norris McDonald is the self appointed Black Voice for the nuclear industry's hoped-for Nuclear Renaissance. He has spent time with George Bush in the White House, and according to one of his blogs, he is rumored to be involved with Condi Rice.
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, November 10, 2007
Press Release-FUSE USA Files Indian Point Health Contention FUSE USA today filed 17 new contentions in the Entergy License Renewal case for the aging Indian Point Nuclear reactors. Contention 17 brings up the links between nuclear reactors and cancer deaths, and calls for health studies within the 50 mile Peak Fatality Zone (PFZ)around the site, which includes communities in Connecticut, New Jersey and NEw York.
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, November 4, 2007
Has Anti-nuke Rocker Congressman John Hall Sold His Soul To Nuclear Industry? Anti Nuclear activist, 70's pop singer and member of Congress, John Hall shockingly votes in favor of an all Nuclear Navy. John Hall gave us "Still The One" and with his comrades in the music industry, such as Bonnie Raitt and Jackson Browne, gave us the No Nukes concerts that are legendary in the Anti Nuclear movement. So, imagine the shock at finding he vote for a bill that calls for a Nuclear Navy.
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 19, 2007
Killing the Nuclear Beast by Saying No Kill the nuclear beast...say no to $50 Billion in loan guarantees, demand and end to the Price Anderson Act, and help those communities being forced to play host to dangerous aging reactors like Entergy's Indian Point. People are being killed day in and day out as radiological contaminants find their way into our environment, and into our bodies. With a Nuclear Renaissance, your children could be next to die.
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, October 6, 2007
Dale Klein Announces Coming of Fuel Cycle Renaissance-Be VERY AFRAID NRC's Dale Klein and George Bush want to make America the worlds nuclear waste dumping site. The Nuclear Renaissance, and it's twisted sister the Fuel Cycle Renaissance are hideous monsters hidden behind the FALSE PROMISE that nuclear energy will save us from Global Warming. We as a nation have serious choices to make, and the time to make them is now, while we still have a choice in the matter. www.fuseusa.org
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, August 14, 2007
EPRI, NEI, NRC Inaction Killing Nuclear Workers? EPRI, NEI, DOE and NRC too busy protecting nuclear industry profits to protect workers at failing reactor sites such as Entergy's Indian Point. Where is the Pipe Fitters Union demanding passage of the 10 CRR rule change that would lower worker REM exposures to 2 REM a year? Union workers deserve to know the truth, union workers deserve a 2 REM a year exposure limit. Act down to save lives by contacting the NRC.
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, August 8, 2007
EPRI-Exposing the Nuclear/Electric Industry Dark Tower of Secrets As the nuclear industry tries to get America to buy into a Nuclear Renaissance, they need a place to hide the truths about the dangers of the industry. Seems they hide their HOT DOCUMENTS within the corporate confines of the EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute). This articles starts the process of piercing the black veil that is the nuclear industry. Should documents partially paid for with our taxes be kept secret?
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, August 2, 2007
Minnesota Bridge Collapse Could Have Been Nuclear Reactor First, our prayers are with the people of Minnesota tonight as they grieve and deal with this tragedy. Secondly, the very fatigue and flawed inspection schedule that has claimed this bridge could just as easily be the death of any one of America's 104 failing ancient reactors. NRC routinely ignores serious safety concerns, setting aside regulations with a Generic Finding. Inspections are pushed back 5 years and more.
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, July 25, 2007
New York City Steam Pipe Explosion Should Be Nuclear Reactor Wake Up Call Last weeks explosion of a Steam Pipe in New York City demonstrates the folly of relicensing America's 104 aging and failing nuclear reactors. Here in the Metro New York area, the health and safety of 21 million people is at risk with each day the failing Indian Point reactors continue to operate. We as citizens must stop the NRC from relicensing the trouble plagued Indian Point reactors for 20 more years before it is to late.

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