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Terry Lee

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Terry Lee is the CEO and publisher of Influentials Network, an intelligent news aggregator, curator, and dynamic platform for political enthusiast and professionals who want all their political and public policy news in one, always-updating website. He has more than 16 years experience in the fields of public policy and corporate communications, where he s developed strategic communications programs and provided senior-level strategic counsel to a variety of clients including: Microsoft, Daimler Chrysler, Pennzoil, Johnson & Johnson, Cisco Systems, Coors Brewing Company, Toyota Motors, Tyco International, and United States Departments of Transportation, US Department of Health and Human Services, and US Department of Homeland Security.

Terry has several years of public service and government relations experience having served in positions at the federal, state, and municipal levels including the Clinton White House and the Office of the Mayor for the District of Columbia.

Terry is a graduate of Vassar College with a BA in Political Science and Economics. He is the author of the book, PR To The People -- A Step By Step Guide To Free (Positive) Publicity, and has had articles appear in numerous publications


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(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, May 14, 2012
Same-Sex Marriage versus the Black Church: The GOP's New Southern Strategy A look at the Republican Party's manipulation of the same sex marriage issue to erode the 20008 coalition of voters that supported Barack Obama and the Democratic Party.

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