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I'm a Seattle-based writer exploring integral approaches to values, politics, culture, religion, spirituality, and contemporary life. My books include Soulfully Gay (Integral Books/Shambhala, 2007), the first published "how-i-found-my-faith" sort of memoir in the Integral Spirituality tradition. I am currently blogging at my eponymous blog, Joe Perez and Gay Spirituality. I am also Associate Director of the Center for World Spirituality.
SHARE Wednesday, October 19, 2011 An Integral Progressive Critique/Appreciation of Occupy Wall Street
Integral philosophy provides a valuable resource for clarifying the significance of the Occupy Wall St. movement and an intellectual edifice for increasing its effectiveness. It also suggests areas for caution.
(5 comments) SHARE Friday, September 23, 2011 Ezra Klein and David Brooks are both wrong: Obama is not retreating to "politics as usual"
Ezra Klein and David Brooks are some of the first pundits to focus on a critical shift in the Obama administration's tactics. Something is changed in Obama Land, and they think they know what it is: a retreat to the old politics of left v. right. Politics as usual. But they're both wrong. Here's why Obama is not retreating to "politics as usual."
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, August 2, 2011 The First Step to Making America a "Center-Left" Nation
The first step to making the US a "center-left" nation is to recognize that the most important liberal goal is to shift American culture in line with our highest priorities, but first we must look inward to reform our own political philosophy.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, July 28, 2011 The Moral Case for Defaulting on the Debt
Prospects for the passage of legislation to lift the debt ceiling may be rising, but Obama would be wise to allow the U.S. to default on the debt. Only then will right-wing extremists in the House suffer the consequences of the economic terrorism they have waged. This is painful medicine for the nation's soul.
SHARE Wednesday, December 30, 2009 Celebrate a Gay New Year's Eve on December 31 with the Worldwide LGBT Community
Celebrate the Bridge of Light on December 31 to show support for the LGBT community in its search for full equality and spiritual dignity. Light seven candles, six for each color of the rainbow flag, plus a seventh candle. The candles recognize seven principles: Community, Eros, Self-Esteem, Love, Self-Expression/Justice, Wisdom, and Spirit.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 26, 2009 Thanksgiving is the Gayest of Holidays
The day given over to gratitude is the most Homophilic of the holidays, because the act of expressing thanks is one of the most immanent or self-directed of spiritual acts (just as Christmas, defined by the act of giving, is the most Heterophilic of the seasonal celebrations). In receiving gifts with gratitude, we accept that which is, and we take into our soul Fullness; in giving gifts, we open to Emptiness.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, August 2, 2007 Beyond Liberal, Left, and Progressive: An Inclusive and Revolutionary Politics for Tomorrow
Review: Ken Wilber. The Integral Vision: A Very Short Introduction to the Revolutionary Integral Approach to Life, God, the Universe, and Everything. Shambhala. August 2007. Review: Ken Wilber. "Integral Politics: A Summary of Its Essential Ingredients". www.kenwilber.com
SHARE Monday, July 30, 2007 No Moral Vacancy for Gays in UK Hotels, But Antigay Discrimination Still Legal in US
The United Kingdom has scored a victory for gay rights and equality for all. According to "Warning shot for hotels over gay couples," religionist hotel owners will no longer be able to turn away gay couples unless they impose a "sleeping together ban" on all guests. US gays should try to forge a national consensus of opinion that antigay discrimination is morally repugnant.
SHARE Wednesday, July 11, 2007 The Reformed Gay: A Spiritual Path of Self-Deception
The latest example of the spiritual path of the "Reformed Gay" is Michael Glatze's account of his spiritual journey in "How a 'gay rights' leader became straight" (July 3, 2007), an op-ed for the right-wing ezine WorldNetDaily. The so-called ex-gay stereotype fits Glatze to a T. Glatze misunderstands the nature of desire, passion, lust, pornography, and therefore he mischaracterizes and badly defames the gay/LGBT community.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, July 9, 2007 Homophobia: Ugly, Unseemly, and Ungodly. A Problem of Arrested Development.
News stories from Hungary, Croatia, Sacramento, and Boston are cited as examples of anti-gay hatred and homophobic attacks. The problem of homophobia is then examined as a feature of underdevelopment or arrested development in psychological, moral, and spiritual awareness. Holistic development is encouraged as the linchpin of a strategy for defeating homophobia.
SHARE Sunday, July 8, 2007 Sicko: A Prophetic Cry for Forging a "We Nation"
Michael Moore's new documentary Sicko (2007)'s success is seen primarily as a function of its prophetic voice in creating a vehicle for the transformation of base selfishness into a higher calling for American selflessness. Universal health care is viewed as a problem requiring an integral approach and elevation in the consciousness of Americans from egocentric to worldcentric vfalues.