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Gentry L Rowsey

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I have a law degree (Stanford, 66') but have never practiced. Instead, from 1967 through 1977, I tried to contribute to the revolution in America. As unsuccessful as everyone else over that decade, in 1978 I went to work for the U.S. Forest Service in San Francisco as a Clerk-Typist, GS-4. I was active in the USFS's union for several years, including a brief stint as editor of The Forest Service Monitor, the nationwide voice of the Forest Service in the National Federation of Federal Employees. Howsoever, I now believe my most important contribution while editor of the F.S.M. was bringing to the attention of F.S. employees the fact that the Black-Footed Ferret was not extinct; one had been found in 1980 on a national forest in the Colorado. In 2001 I retired from the USFS after attaining the age of 60 with 23 years of service. Stanford University was evidently unimpressed with my efforts to make USFS investigative reports of tort claim incidents available to tort claimants (ie, "the public"), alleging the negligence of a F.S. employee acting in the scope of his/her duties caused their damages, under the Freedom of Information Act. Oh well. What'cha gonna do?

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But 80,000 Fewer Troops (2012),, From ImagesAttr
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 2, 2012
Does Grandpa Remember "Buzz Bombs"? Beautiful dreamer.... waken to be.... moonlight and starlight are waiting for thee.... sounds of the rude world.... heard by the day.... lulled by the starlight.... have all passed away.
North Park Holiday Hit List (2010),, From ImagesAttr
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, October 14, 2012
An Appreciation of the "Hit List" by Lawrence Block Late last century I became an avid reader of science fiction and crime fiction, two reading pursuits that abandoned me after the Beginning of the End (ie, the year 2000), as it were. Nonetheless, I intermittently try to resume one, then the other, then the one again, etc; and the book "Hit List" by Lawrence Block is crime fiction which is truly a hoot.
U.S. Open 2012,, From ImagesAttr
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, September 8, 2012
The U.S. Open Strikes Back! I can never remember which came first for me, golf or tennis. They get all jumbled up in my memories of my 1950's summers in my early teens, spent in Cooperstown NY at the CCC (Cooperstown Country Club), when not at Camp Pinnacle near Lyme NH around the same time.
Fudo Falls (2009),, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, September 2, 2012
(1) Artnet Magazine Folds; howsoever, (2) Here Are Six Vik Muniz's from Galleries Peddling Pics There. As of now, Artnet Magazine is a collection of reprints. But in July, Vik Muniz was El Artisto Numero Uno at Artnet Online, and if you take the time to peruse the following sample of his artworks at galleries presenting there, I think you won't be disappointed. Vik is a Brazilian, and he was born in 1961.
Doctor Frigo Book Cover,, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 27, 2012
A Review of Eric Ambler's Doctor Frigo You could almost say Eric Ambler started what John Le Carre finished, and I would agree if it weren't for the fact that I've never encountered a dull paragraph in any of the eight or ten Eric Ambler spy novels I've read - from Cause for Alarm (written in 1938) to Doctor Frigo (written in 1974).
Untitled 4 (undated),, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 13, 2012
Artnet's Newest Unregenerate Sexist. His name is Gavin Bond, and he hangs in West Hollywood (I know, I know, of course he hangs - up his artwork photographs -- in West Hollywood).
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, June 23, 2012
A Brief Rumination on Horses. In 1948 I was in the second grade and my best friend was Bill Anstiss, who lived in the town of Boerne, Texas (population, approx. 1300), while I lived on a ranch, about nine miles northeast of Boerne. Bill lived with his single mother in poverty, while I lived with my parents and my sister in Texas Hill Country opulence.
Sam Francis in 1983,, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Keep Your Friends Close: Seven Fairly Old Sam Francis Paintings Sam Francis died in 1994; so "Fairly Old" means prior to 1990.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, June 10, 2012
Keep Your Enemies Closer: Six Fairly Recent Damien Hirsts. Damien Hirst was born in Bristol, England, in 1965, and received his B.A. in Fine Art from Goldsmith College, London, for work completed from 1986 through 1989. Since 1995, he's lived and worked in Devon and London.
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, June 10, 2012
The Final Installment of my Review of "The John Carlos Story" May Be Beyond My Capabilities. This book is so extraordinary I doubt my ability to review it satisfactorily, at least prior to the beginning of the 2012 Olympics in London. However, the recent spate on television of the usual Olympics Advertising prompted my to submit this piece to OpEdNews.
The artist, Donald Lipski,, From ImagesAttr
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, May 21, 2012
Ten Public Artworks by Donald Lipski Donald Lipski is an artist whose public art is stunning. To quote a brief biography of him at his home page at Artnet's Monologues: "he has in recent years created many prominent and compelling public sculptures." After viewing the ten works below, I concluded that "compelling" was a considerable understatement.

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