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Jan VanDenBerg

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Jan VanDenBerg earned a Master's Degree from the Economics Department of Stanford University in 1987.  She served as head Japan economist for Merrill Lynch Tokyo 1987-1993, and worked for the US Treasury Department Office of International Affairs as a Japan Economist 1993 - 1994.

She has been self-employed as an independent investor since that time.

She is currently working on forming and funding a private foundation which will be involved in providing women's health care in Africa.

OpEd News Member for 899 week(s) and 3 day(s)

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SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, May 6, 2018
Of War and Peace in East Asia Can we really expect China to continue to help control Kim while we push them on trade? Maybe ... if the real reason China started enforcing old sanctions against Kim was not bluster from Trump, but to punish Kim for getting too much missile help from Russia ... and creating too much drama with his new Ukrainian toys ...
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, July 25, 2007
The Easy Way the Government can Reduce AIDS and Hep C The spread of HIV and AIDS could be easily and cheaply reduced by a policy of segregating prisons by disease status.

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