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CLAIRE SNYDER-HALL writes popular and scholarly books, articles, and essays on issues of concern to democrats, feminists, and progressives. She has a Ph.D. in political philosophy from Rutgers University and a BA cum laude in psychology from Smith College.
Snyder-Hall is the author of Gay Marriage and Democracy: Equality for All (Rowman & Littlefield, 2006) -- Winner of the "Choice Outstanding Academic Title" for 2007 -- and Citizen-Soldiers and Manly Warriors: Military Service and Gender in the Civic Republican Tradition (Rowman & Littlefield, 1999), as well as numerous articles and essays on democratic theory, ideology, religion & politics, and feminism.
Snyder-Hall writes a weekly column for the Tikkun Daily blogsite and serves as an associate editor for New Political Science: A Journal of Politics and Culture. She has been a faculty member at George Mason University since 2000 and Director of Interdisciplinary Studies since 2008 and is currently a Visiting Scholar at the University of Delaware. Her current research agenda includes projects on consumerism and the rise of libertarian ideology.
She resides in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, where she is active in progressive and Democratic politics.