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Brian McConnell, BA has worked with the underpinnings of Integral thought and theory, primarily in the fields of education and psychology since first introduced to Ken Wilber's, Eye to Eye in 1997. His background in contemplative practice stems from personal study in Theravada Buddhism with Thanissaro Bhikkhu at Metta Forest Monastery. Having worked with a diverse set of 'popular' subcultures over this same period, learning, leadership, and spiritual development currently command the central focus of Brian's work.
He presently serves as Director for Group Epignosis, a community of learner/collaborators in Roanoke, Virginia and is affiliated with the Integral Research Center as a Researcher/Practitioner in Integral Sustainable Development.
SHARE Sunday, January 3, 2016 Kids Above Profits! - Alternatives to "Outsourcing" Our Future?
"Kids Above Profits!" examines whether outsourcing Roanoke City School's food service serves to assure the community's social and economic well-being while, at the same time, delivering healthy, high quality, nutritional food to local students.
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 13, 2014 Sustainable Ecosystems and Capitalism's Decline
This article extends a challenge to local leaders through an upcoming Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) instructed by Otto Scharmer at MIT. Roanoke's U.Lab Hub subsequently invites community members to "learn how to create profound innovation in a time of disruptive change by leading from the emerging future".
SHARE Friday, April 19, 2013 A New Economic Story of "Money & Life"
Producer/director Katie Teague returns to her hometown of Roanoke Virginia as part of a national ten-city tour premiering her new feature-length documentary, "Money & Life". The event will pose a rare opportunity for audience members to enlist the filmmaker's perspective in learning why her 'story about money' is so vitally important to empowering civil transformation.
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, July 10, 2012 Transforming the City 2.0 - An Idea Worth Spreading
This article is a user friendly overview of a "White Paper on Initiating an Integral Economic Laboratory", written and published in support of Project Epignosis. It was originally submitted as 'an idea worth spreading' in response to a challenge issued by this year's TED Prize winner -- The City 2.0.
SHARE Sunday, January 29, 2012 Saving the City's Soul - Occupy (South East) Roanoke
Originally published at "the integral economist", this article examines how an 'inverted totalitarianism' has already begun to inroad local communities. Citing recent findings from ecologically based studies in economics, it proposes adapting alternative currencies and forms of ownership as a holistic approach to fostering healthy, sustainable communities.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 22, 2011 A Leaderless Revolution: Occupy Economic Democracy - Part 1 of 2
Tracking the Occupy movement's inception through the mainstream media's inquiry of, 'What do they want?', this article explores the ground work for a consensus-based response to that question. Adapting a perspective of global vision, "A Leaderless Revolution" takes direct aim at the creeping menace of 'inverted totalitarianism' and positions itself accordingly.