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Omnia Vetera Nova is a progressive online blog site. Featuring independent news, investigative reporting and commentary. Published by Nate Whitaker and Michael Leporati. Editors and Contributing Writers Amy Cavanaugh, Kristian Gore, Travis Dominguez


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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 11, 2011
Occupy Yourself, Part 2 The personalization of the Occupy Movement How does "one" work for radical change, while still being part of "the system", even if an unwilling one? Some ideas from Sun Tzu
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, December 10, 2011
Occupy Yourself, part 1 Addressing the frustrations with the movement. Laying out some ideas for a long term strategy. Occupy Yourself!!! It is time to personalize the Occupation. Bring it home with personal action. Change the world by changing your life and what you can put your hands on. Things will never return to how they were. The past is passed. Enlightenment is not found at any extreme. We need to build off what works and...

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