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Steve Heller

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Steve Heller became an election integrity activist after the 2000 election debacle in Florida.

In 2004, he became known to legions of election protection activists as the "Diebold Whistle-blower" for stealing and exposing legal documents proving Diebold was violating California election laws by using illegal, uncertified software in their voting machines. He was charged with three felonies and eventually pleaded guilty to one felony. At this time, he remains on probation.

Partly as a result of Steve's actions, in April 2004, former California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley de-certified Diebold in California for what he called their "fraudulent," "despicable," and "deceitful behavior."

His case is featured in the documentary "Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections" by David Earnhardt.

In November of 2004, Steve went to Columbus, Ohio as a volunteer with nonpartisan get-out-the-vote efforts. While working on election day, he was appalled to see voter suppression techniques in action. As Steve said, "I saw the modern day Jim Crow strutting up and down the streets of inner city Columbus." What he witnessed that day made him more determined than ever to bring to light the crimes against the voters and against clean elections, crimes that undermine our Republic.

Steve was honored to join with Brad Friedman of The BRAD BLOG in consultations with Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) regarding Rep. Kucinich's 35 Articles of Impeachment against George W. Bush. Steve contributed research, documentation, and information which was used in Article 29, "Conspiracy to Violate the Voting Rights Act of 1965." Steve is very proud to have played a part in the creation of this historic and important document.

He is an election integrity blogger for Velvet Revolution's Election Protection Strike Force.

He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and various dogs and cats.

OpEd News Member for 912 week(s) and 6 day(s)

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(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 17, 2008
Neutralize the Lies! How Can You Turn The Right Wing's Lies About ACORN and 'Voter Fraud' Back On Them? Hit 'Em Where They Live: When You Hear Lies About 'Voter Fraud,' Donate To Groups Fighting FOR Democracy!
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 3, 2008
Urgent Call to Action! Contact Obama Campaign and DNC, Demand Action to Stop Illegal Voter Purges The Obama Campaign and the DNC are ignoring illegal systematic purges of the voter rolls. They are asking for money and support from the voters; we voters should demand they use some of that money and their influence to put a stop to these illegal voter purges.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, September 12, 2008
Los Angeles Premiere of "Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections" Invitation to the Los Angeles premiere of the David Earhnardt documentary "Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections"
(13 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, July 18, 2008
GOP whistleblower names Karl Rove in Ohio's 04 election theft Major lawsuit will expose Bush/Cheney's long conspiracy to steal their "victories" through election fraud. Repub Stephen Spoonamore, who worked for McCain's campaign until recently, is a respected expert on computer fraud, and has detailed high-tech sabotage over the past 8 years, and is naming names, Ohio attorney Cliff Arnebeck announced in a press conference yesterday.
(25 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, January 27, 2008
Socialized Law Enforcement in America? A look at socialized law enforcement and government sponsored single-payer health insurance.
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 9, 2007
Win a copy of "Uncounted" DVD! Visit the link and submit your entry to win a free copy of "Uncounted", and maybe consider buying one or more as gifts. It's a great way to spread the word on how we can take our elections, and thus our entire democracy, back from the corporations that currently control both.

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