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I am an old soul but will always be young at heart. I strive for honesty and truth, no matter what. I miss dearly everyone I have lost and hope to see them again in eternity.
SHARE Monday, November 14, 2016 Ethics of Whistleblowing
This article is not that informative in the light of what can be known, but serves as a point of discussion into people's possible intent and purpose in what is commonly celebrated or demonized about "whistle-blowing", using my observations and experience from Abu Ghraib as an example.
(7 comments) SHARE Tuesday, August 28, 2007 Army Adds Farce to Abu Ghraib Shame
The Army officer in charge of the interrogation/torture operation at Abu Ghraib in late 2003 is being court-martialed. My first thought was: Finally an officer is being held accountable. In view of the repeated rebuff to my own attempts to stop the torture and identify those responsible, however, you will perhaps excuse my skepticism that justice will be done.
An Army intelligence analyst, my job at Abu Ghraib was...