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Holds a degree from University of Auckland majoring in Political Studies. Major current research interest is the socio-political challenges facing humanity given 'Peak Oil' and the environmental issues the world is facing due to over-emphasis on so-called economic "growth" above all else. As a Buddhist would like to see the world community abandon its collective addiction to unfettered consumerism/debt and adopt a more sustainable and simple lifestyle.
(18 comments) SHARE Tuesday, October 1, 2013 How and Why Did the U.S. Become the World's Biggest Debtor, and What Are the Implications?
How did the USA reach the point of being within weeks of running out of money to pay its bills? How did a nation that was until relatively recently the world's biggest net lender become the world's biggest net debtor? More importantly, what implications does this situation have for the USA and the rest of the world?