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Eric Lerner is a physicist and activist, researching clean energy through aneutronic fusion. He has been active in the immigrant rights, labor and Occupy Wall Street movements. He is the author of The Big Bang Never Happened and of over 600 articles on science and technology as well as technical papers.
(11 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 11, 2012 After Sandy--we need a National Power Authority
Sandy and other reecent blaockouts show that pwoer deregulation has failed. We need a national Power Authority to make the grid secure.
(4 comments) SHARE Thursday, March 22, 2012 Fusion for Peace: A Proposal from US and Iranian Physicists for Ending the Confrontation with Iran
A proposal from US and Iranian physicists to start a scientific and engineering collaboration between the two countries that could, if successful, make uranium enrichment obsolete, block proliferation everywhere, liberate the world from oil, and open up a new source of cheap, clean, unlimited energy.