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Before starting ValueNet, Rick was director, corporate training and, later, director, corporate strategy for Travelers Corp., an international insurance and financial services firm. He lost six friends in the World Trade Center on 9/11. Rick was a Vietnam-era Navy Hospital Corpsman. Rick holds PhD and M.Ed. degrees from Penn State. His BS is from West Chester University. He completed post-doctoral work at Rensselaer, Northwestern, Colorado, and Harvard. A native of Pennsylvania, Rick now lives in New England. OpEd News Member for 1005 week(s) and 6 day(s) 60 Articles, 0 Quick Links, 171 Comments, 4 Diaries, 0 Polls
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![]() Let Tsarnaev Live With What He Did Truncating Tsarnaev's life in the name of justice would do an injustice to the many dozens of innocent victims who were wounded, maimed, and disfigured in the Marathon bombings.
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![]() Shutdown and default: it's not about Obamacare Indulge me a brief liberal rant on this holiday morning, the 14th day of the government shutdown with three days to default. ![]()
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![]() Is it time for a "Congressional Responsibility Amendment"? The tea party controlled House GOP caucus has refused to fund the federal government. It's time to put a stop to their idealogical hostage taking. Here's one way to do it. ![]()
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![]() Does collecting welfare beat working? Cato Institute thinks so In August, Michael Tanner and Charles Hughes of the Cato Institute issued "The Work versus Welfare Trade-off: 2013." It's Cato's latest biased attempt to prove that some people can make more money by collecting welfare than by working. If that's true, why are so many people looking for work? ![]()
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![]() Mitt Romney: Man of (Low) Character Mitt Romney lacks the character to be President.
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![]() The Freeloader Tax Conservatives are falling all over themselves to call the individual mandate a tax. Liberals insist it's a penalty. Let's just call it what it is: the Freeloader Tax.
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![]() Boehner In A Box John Boehner has built for himself a box from which he cannot escape. Only Nancy Pelosi holds the key. Should she use it?
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![]() Scott Walker: Fool or Fraud? Public sector employees need union protection from the fools and frauds who would sacrifice their careers for political gain. They need protection from people like Wisconsin's Scott Walker.
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![]() GOP Showed Its True Colors With Tax Deal In negotiating the tax compromise, the GOP showed that their real interest is in rewarding rich cronies and not in solving budget deficit or national debt problems.
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![]() FairTax: Too Good To Be True? Right-wingers have been touting the FairTax, a scheme that would get rid of all federal taxes and the I.R.S. Sound too good to be true? It is. Here's the good, the bad, and the ugly on FairTax.
![]() McChrystal Must Go Everyone seems to be treating General Stanley McChrystal's disastrous Rolling Stone article as a bungled media event. It's not. It is a clear case of insubordination, and McChrystal should be fired and replace at once.
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![]() Coburn's Hard Bargain Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) introduced an amendment to the health care "fixes" bill that would prohibit use of federal funds to purchase erectile dysfunction ("ED") medications for registered sex offenders. The amendment failed, 57-42. If Coburn reintroduces it as a bill, by the time it gets through committee it will probably affect only one person in the whole USA.
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![]() Reconsidering Iraq: What If We Had Been Greeted as Liberators? The real reason for the Iraq War has never been revealed. We know what the reason was not, but not what the reason was. My theory is that Bush and Cheney's rationale for invading Iraq was much grander, and much more nefarious, than any of the reasons ever publicly given to justify the invasion. The key to understanding it: follow the money.
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![]() Mainstream Media FAIL with Overhyped Coverage of Control Tower Kids The mainstream media deserve a FAIL for their distorted, misleading, and overhyped reports on two elementary school children in the JFK control tower. ![]()
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![]() "I Don't Want to Pay for Somebody Else's Health Care" One of the criticisms of the health care bills passed by the House and Senate is that people who already have health insurance may have to pay for coverage provided to the uninsured. Won't they be surprised to learn that they already do that?
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![]() Can Cheney's "One Percent Doctrine" Apply to Climate Change? In this article I suggest we apply Dick Cheney's "One Percent Doctrine" to the subject of climate change. The right endorsed this approach when it applied to terrorism; why should climate change be any different?
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![]() A Conservative's "12 Days of Christmas" PNC Bank has released its 26th annual Christmas Price Index (CPI), which puts the 2009 price of all the gifts in the song, “The 12 Days of Christmas,†at $21,465.56. Meanwhile, the Total Cost of Christmas – the cumulative cost of all the gifts after all the repetitions of the song – comes in at $87,402.81. Here are some lessons from Conservatives on how to cut the Total Cost of your Christmas by nearly half. Satire.
![]() If Health Reform Fails: Insurers' Double-0 “License to Kill†If health care reform fails, the result will not be a return to the status quo. It will be much worse. The banks and the insurance companies will have won the big prize and they will pay themselves handsomely for their victory. Meanwhile, Democrats in disarray will slink off stage left, blaming everyone but themselves for the outcome.
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![]() Women Take Charge: "The Lysistrata Solution" The Stupak Amendment takes women's reproductive rights back to the 1950s. Women need to fight back, starting now. Here's how.
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![]() GOP Health Reform: “The Insurance Industry Profit Enhancement Act†At last, House Republicans have presented their version of health care reform. As with many of their proposals, the GOP health plan is nothing more than “old wine in new bottles.†Here is a point-by-point recap of the plan's main provisions along with commentary on what those provisions actually entail. |