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Martin Cohen is a well-established author specializing in popular books in philosophy, social science and politics. His most recent projects include the UK edition of Philosophy for Dummies (Wiley June 2010); How to Live: Wise and not-so-wise Advice from the Great Philosophers (MSU, 2014); Mind Games: 31 days to rediscover your Brain (Blackwell, July 2010) and The Doomsday Machine: The High Price of Nuclear Energy, the World's Most Dangerous Fuel.
He recently left Op-Ed News in protest at what he saw as the increasingly ILLIBERAL style of the site, and in particular an editorial line in support of the Russian annexation of Ukraine.
One post (not printed) argued that the views of RTV (Russia TV), featured on the site, were illiberal, especially since RTV was now firmly under the control of the Russian state news agency, led by Dmitry Kiselev, a talk show host notorious for his suggestion that "gays' hearts should be incinerated in ovens." He was also unhappy to be associated with a site that ran a series of 'headlined' articles in praise of the Russian President, Vladimir Putin. One such, by former Reagan staffer, Paul Craig Roberts's, for example, praised "Putin's calm leadership, the absence of provocative statements and threats, and his insistence on legality".
He wrote another post about the Energy and economics issues (see the Philosophical-investigations blog) behind the conflict that was likewise rejected twice on 'technical grounds (like 'not enough references') and then finally like this:
"You submitted an article titled:
Putin's other Cronies?
This article was submitted with category OpEdNews_Op_Eds and tags Energy, Investors, Markets, Oil, Oil, Pipeline, Putin, Russia
Thank you but this article doesn't meet our writing standards. You may NOT resubmit this or post it, even with modifications, as a diary, poll or comment. See our writers guidelines and FAQ for more info."
This clearly confirmed to Martin that the site is indeed not a suitable place for progressive writers and thinkers.
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, November 3, 2013 US spying on Europe - the gloves come off
This week, an influential German lawmaker invited NSA whistleblower, Edward Snowden, to brief the German parliament on the secret activities of its great ally - in principle- the US. To do that, he would probably have to be offered political asylum and special protection from assassination. That things have come to such a pass shows how deeply damaging the US government's secret programs are not only to its European allies but Series: What's really going on...? (1 Articles, 1393 views)
(7 comments) SHARE Friday, August 2, 2013 NSA spying - the New York Times follows the money... again
Ever since the breaking of the news that the US government has a multibillion dollar program for rooting through everyone's mail, internet browisng habits and (of course) phone chatter, the journalists of the NYT have been engaged in a curious, sycnonized dance to rreassure and explain why. Could it have anything at all to do with the paper's long history of collusion with the secret government agencies? Series: Media Watch (1 Articles, 1832 views)
(24 comments) SHARE Wednesday, July 3, 2013 NSA spying - another side of the story-- Data Privatized For Corporate Use
Europe is furious at private and business communications being routinely scanned and read by an anglophone spy network run by the US government. But the debate so far has been about the balance between public security and private life. The real story is about economic warfare.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 31, 2012 The New York Times dips a toe in British sleaze
What has that paragon of virtue, the New York Times , got to do with a grubby series of sexual assaults in the UK? Yet the appointment of the new NYT Chief Executive has sharply highlighted the corruption and cynicism of both news organizations.
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, June 21, 2012 What's not going on at Rio+20 - and why Aussie plonk is 'ecocider'
After the latest U.N. environmental conference in Rio de Janeiro this week the fingers will be pointed at the usual culprits - Brazil and Indonesia for permitting deforestation to continue, India and China for industrializing - and Africa for just being poor. The conference will confirm, just as the first Rio Earth summit did 20 years ago, everyone's prejudices - and the real environmental culprits will walk away.