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Conservative prolife anti-death penalty semi-pro gun tree hugger. Believe that less government is good government, government cannot solve anyone's personal problems, the government taking money from one group of people and giving it to another group of people because it is 'fair' is a crime, and that people should take responsibility for their own lives and rely on themselves. Believe in term limits, elimination of gerrymandering, a strong military, some sort of flat tax system, and that any group does not have more rights than any other group in our society, i.e., everyone has the same rights. Retired. Worked 21 years for a large chemical company. Active in community affairs for over 40 years. Worked hard my entire life, saved a ton of money and am now enjoying it before Washington figures out how to steal more of it.
(14 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 4, 2008 Illegitimate President?
The controversy surrounding President-Elect Obama's place of birth has not subsided with his election. Multiple lawsuits have worked their way to the US Supreme Court. Obama continues to spend large sums of money to legally fight the lawsuits instead of producing a vault birth certificate. The question is why?
(32 comments) SHARE Friday, October 31, 2008 Senator Obama's Citizenship Lawsuits
Article discusses 8 lawsuits filed to determine if Senator Obama is a natural born US citizen as required by the US Constitution.